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    This habitat quality model shows the probability of the presence of short-eared owls in southern Quebec during the nesting season. It is based on species presence data and a modeling of several environmental variables of interest to the species during the nesting period. The model is based on 64 ha analysis units, i.e. cells with a side length of 800 meters. For more details, for example on the study area, the data used and the modeling carried out, consult the following report [“Habitat quality model for the short-eared owl (Asio flammeus) in southern Quebec”] ( ### What is an MQH? A habitat quality model (HQM) is a “rough representation” of the preferred habitat of a wildlife species. For general information, consult the [“Habitat Quality Assessment”] page ( ### WARNING The MQH was developed primarily in order to determine the sectors with the best potential to shelter the target species, in order to prioritize inventories. The models developed have limitations and therefore cannot be used to confirm the absence of a species at a given location. Consult the [“The benefits and limitations of habitat quality models”] section ( on the “Habitat Quality Assessment” page for general information or the [report] ( for information specific to the short-eared owl MQH.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**