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This service contains aerial photographs for selected areas in the Yukon dating from 1988 to 2015. All imagery in this service is publicly available, and can be made available on request. Please email if you have any questions about Yukon government aerial photographs, or this image service. This service is managed by the Geomatics Yukon unit.
* These mosaics are the result of an assembly of orthophotographs produced in spring 2022 and 2023. Each image has been positioned geographically taking into account the effect of the relief. * These mosaics are the result of regional partnerships. Their download is free, as they were acquired under an open data license (Creative Commons 4.0). * The territory covers the MRCs of Antoine-Labelle, Argenteuil, the Laurentides, the Pays d'en Haut and the Rivière du Nord. * Two formats are available: JPEG 2000 associated with a division by regional county municipality (MRC). * The resolution Spatial is 20 cm. * The image type is natural color.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**