4th inventory
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The temporary sample plot is a circular sample unit that covers an area of 400 m2. For each tree, we observe and measure the species, diameter, sunlight, and floor in relation to other trees, as well as the defoliation and the quality of the stems of deciduous trees and certain pines. In addition, the age and height of three trees are determined. Finally, a survey of the station and the vegetation of the undergrowth is carried out, and the characteristics of the soil are noted. Plot data also includes information about the location of the plots and the sampling plan. These data are acquired as part of the fourth ecoforest inventory in southern Quebec. They are used in particular to produce forest compilation results used to feed the calculation of forest opportunities in public forests in Quebec. They can also be useful in the development of private forests. The establishment of these plots took place from 2004 and will be completed in 2018. This database covers almost all of the territory south of the 52nd parallel of Quebec's public and private forest.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**