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    Topographic mapping of northern indigenous villages is available for 23 villages. It was produced by photogrammetric method, from aerial photographs taken between 2009 and 2011. The accuracy of this mapping is of the order of ±40 centimeters in planimetry. In hypsometry, it is ±50 centimeters for dimensional points and ±1 meter for level curves. This precision may vary locally. The main components are: * Hydrography (body of water, watercourse, etc.); * Communication routes and road and airport infrastructures (road, bridge, airport, etc.); * Buildings and various constructions (building, wharf, surface reservoir, etc.); * Vegetation; * Vegetation; * Vegetation; * Geomorphology; * Geomorphology; * Level curves equidistant from 2 meters; * Rated points. The following villages are available: * Akulivik; * Aupaluk; * Aupaluk; * Chisasibi; * Eastmain; * Inukjuak; * Ivujivik; * Kangiqsujuaq; * Kangiqsujuaq; * Kangirsuk; * Kangirsuk; * Kangirsuk; * Kangirsuk; * Kawawachikamach; * Kuujjuaq; * Kuujjuarapik-Whapmagoostui; * Mistissini; * Nemaska; * Ouje-Bougoumou; * Puvirnituq; * Puvirnituq; * Quaqtaq; * Salluit; * Tasiujaq; * Umiujaq; * Waskaganish; * Waskaganish; * Waswanipi; * Wemindji.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**