Availability for year 2021: 0.985
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WFS service for befolkning på grunnkretsnivå 2017
The National Railway Network (NRWN) focuses on providing a quality geometric description and a set of basic attributes of Canadian rail phenomena. The WMS NRWN includes Track segment, Ferry Route, Stations, Structure, Crossing and Marker Post with which are associated descriptive attributes.
Natural Resources Canada offers access to Elevation data through a Web Mapping Service (WMS). There are two products available: CDEM (Canadian Digital Elevation Model) and CDSM (Canadian Digital Surface Model). A detailed description for each product is available on the Open Government Portal (http://open.canada.ca/).
The National Hydro Network (NHN) focuses on providing a quality geometric description and a set of basic attributes describing Canada`s inland surface waters. It provides geospatial digital data compliant with the NHN Standard such as lakes, reservoirs, watercourses (rivers and streams), canals, islands, drainage linear network, toponyms or geographical names, constructions and obstacles related to surface waters, etc. The best available federal and provincial data are used for its production, which is done jointly by the federal and interested provincial and territorial partners. The NHN is created from existing data at the 1:50 000 scale or better.
Le Réseau ferroviaire national (RFN) vise à fournir une description géométrique de qualité et un ensemble d`attributs de base sur les voies ferrées canadiennes. Le WMS RFN inclue les entités Segment de chemin de fer, Traverse ferroviaire, Structures ferroviaires, Gare, Croisement et Point milaire auxquelles sont associées une série d’attributs descriptifs.
Natural Resources Canada offers access to Landsat 7 ortorectified imagery over Canada through a Web Mapping Service (WMS) in accordance with the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) specifications.
WFS service for tettsted2015
Befolkning på rutenett 2018 WFS
Ressources naturelles Canada offre un accès aux données d'ortho-imagerie Landsat 7 du Canada par le biais d'un service de cartographie Web communément appelé Web Mapping Service (WMS) dont les spécifications sont définies par l'Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).