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__The link: *Access the data directory* is available in the section*Dataset Description Sheets; Additional Information*__. Surface deposit is the layer of loose material that covers rock. The deposit may have been established during the retreat of the glacier at the end of the last glaciation or by other processes associated with erosion and sedimentation. The nature of the loose deposit is evaluated based on the shape of the land, its position on the slope, the texture of the soil, or other indicators. Surface deposit maps make it possible to distinguish the main categories of surface deposits and to know their nature, thickness and distribution on Quebec territory. Based on the interpretation of aerial photographs at a scale of 1/40,000 and control points in the field as part of the ecoforest inventory of southern Quebec, this mapping contributes in particular to the development of ecological forest products. This map covers almost the entire territory of Quebec south of the 52nd parallel. It is distributed by map sheet at a scale of 1/50,000. Surface deposits have a minimum area of 4 ha.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
Deposit is the layer of loose material that covers rock. It may have been established during the retreat of the glacier at the end of the last glaciation or by other processes associated with erosion and sedimentation. The nature of the loose deposit is evaluated based on the shape of the land, its position on the slope, the texture of the soil, or other indicators. Surface deposit maps make it possible to distinguish the main categories of surface deposits, to know their nature, thickness and distribution on Quebec territory. The map of surface deposits in the North is a component of an extensive inventory carried out to meet knowledge acquisition needs as part of the economic, social and environmental development project “Plan Nord”. This inventory was carried out between 2010 and 2013. The mapping of surface deposits was carried out using a new approach based on remote sensing techniques. The interpretation was carried out by geomorphologists using RapidEye anaglyph (3D) satellite images with high spatial resolution (5 m). Ground and air control points allowed the validation of the interpreted information. Mapping is available throughout the country north of the 53rd parallel, which represents an area of approximately 680,000 km2. The minimum mapping area is 100 ha.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**