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GE.Bedrock 1:1 000 000 is a transformed version of the SGU product Bedrock1:1 million with the purpose to conform to the Inspire data specification for Geology encoded according to GeoSciML 4.0. It is also a contribution to the OneGeology initiative ( Data is represented in a two-dimensional model of the top of the bedrock, describing identified geological units geometry, the material composition of the units and geologic events that has acted on the units. Shear displacement structures like faults on the top of bedrock are also included in the model. The main features of the bedrock geology of Sweden is represented in the produkt and since it is based on compilation of bedrock maps of different scales, age and quality the accuracy of the data varies within the dataset. The product is produced for presentation at the scale of 1:1 miilion which means that some units are heavily generalized.
Gagnasafn (GDB) NI_J600v_berg_2.utg: Jarðfræðikorti af Íslandi – Berggrunnur – 1:600.000 [Geological Map of Iceland – Bedrock geology – 1:600.000]. Berggrunnskort af Íslandi sýnir stærstu drættina í jarðfræði landsins. Jarðlög eru flokkuð eftir aldri, gerð og samsetningu. Kortið sýnir vel gosbelti landsins og dreifingu gossstöðva frá nútíma. Nútímahraunum er skipt í forsöguleg og söguleg hraun (yngri en 871 e. Kr. ). [The Geological Map of Iceland shows the main features of the bedrock geology. Formation are classified by age, type, and composition. The map clearly shows the island's volcanic zones and the distribution of the recent eruption sites. Lava fields of the Holocene are shown as pre-historic or historic (younger than AD 871].]
Gagnasafn (GDB) NI_J600v_hoggun: Jarðfræðikorti af Íslandi – Höggun – 1:600.000 [Geological Map of Iceland – Tectonics – 1:600.000]. Höggunarkort af Íslandi sýnir jarðfræði landsins á nýstárlegan hátt. Jarðlög eru flokkuð eftir aldri en ekki eftir gerð og samsetningu. Sýnd eru eldstöðvakerfi, þ.e. megineldstöðvar, sprungu- og gangareinar, bæði virkar og útkulnaðar. Einnig eru sýnd helstu brotakerfi landsins og halli jarðlaga. Kortið gefur innsýn í jarðfræðilega byggingu landsins. [The Tectonic Map of Iceland gives a new view of the country's geology. The rocks are classified by age, but not by type or composition. Volcanic systems including central volcanoes, fissures and dyke swarms, both active and extinct, are shown, as are the island's principal fracture zones and the dip of rock layers. The map thus gives a useful insight into the geological structure of the country.]
GEUS map database covering Denmark and Greenland
GEUS map database covering Denmark and Greenland
GEUS map database covering Denmark and Greenland
GEUS map database covering Denmark and Greenland
Þekja [layer] j100v_vesturgosbelti_gigar_1utg_p: Gervigígar, punktalag. [Rootless cones, point data.]
Þekja [layer] j100v_vesturgosbelti_jardgrunnur_1utg_p: Jökulrákir á Vesturgosbelti Íslands. [Glacial striations of the Western Volcanic Zone of Iceland.] Gögn eru flokkuð eftir ÍST120:2012 staðlinum, nema fitjueigindir: jokulrakastefna: stefna jökulráka er mæld í kortlagningu og sýnir skriðstefnu jökuls. aldur: ef fleiri en ein stefna er á rákunum er metinn afstæður aldur: yngri, aldur og aldur02. [The data follows the ÍST120:2012 data standard with these additional feature attributes: jokulrakastefna: indicates the direction of striations found during mapping. aldur: if more than one set of striations is found this indicates the relative age: yngri (younger), aldur (older), and aldur02 (oldest, if 3 sets are present).]
Þekja (layer) j100v_austurland_millilog_1utg_li:: Gjóskulög á Austfjörðum. [Tuff layers in Eastern Iceland.] Línur sýna staðsetningu stærstu gjóskulagana á Austfjörðum. Gjóskulögin eru fengin úr ýmsum kortum og kortlagningu Birgis V. Óskarssonar. Gögn eru flokkuð eftir ÍST120:2012 staðlinum, nema þrjá fitjueigindir: myndunKodi = Heiti myndunarinnar (skammstöfun) myndunIS = Heiti myndunarinnar (á íslenskuc) myndunEN = Heiti myndunarinnart (á ensku) [Lines show the location of largest tuff deposits in Eastern Iceland. The tuff layers are derived from older maps and the mapping of Birgir V. Óskarsson. The data follows the ÍST120:2012 data standard with the three additional feature attributes: myndunKodi = Lithostratigraphic unit (abbreviation) myndunIS = Lithostratigraphic unit (in Icelandic) myndunEN = Lithostratigraphic unit (in English)]