Health and wellness
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The Ministry of Health Service Provider Locations (MOHSERLO) geospatial dataset contains the locations of health service providers in Ontario. Included in the dataset are: * AIDS Bureau * Children’s Treatment Centres * Community Health Centres * Community Support Services * Family Health Teams (Contract Locations) * Hospitals * Indigenous Primary Health Care Organization * Integrated Community Health Services Centres (ICHSC) (formerly Independent Health Facilities) * Laboratories * Licensed Retirement Homes * Long-Term Care Homes * Mental Health and Addiction Organizations * Midwifery Clinics * Nurse Practitioner Led Clinics * Nursing Stations (Provincial) * Pharmacies * Public Health Unit Offices * Senior Active Living Centres For each health service provider, there is a selection of attributes provided, including: * Service provider name in English and French (if available) * Service provider type * Details related to service provider (i.e., a subcategory of service provider type) * Address information (e.g., Address line 1, Community, Postal Code, etc.) The locations provided in this dataset are for planning purposes and should not be used for operational or navigation purposes.
Ontario provides a range of services and supports to children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders. In each defined service area, a lead Transfer Payment Agency is responsible for coordinating autism services funded by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services. They also ensure that the core services and key processes are implemented in all service providers. Instructions for downloading this dataset: * select the link below and scroll down the metadata record page until you find **Transfer Options **in the **Distribution Information** section * select the link beside the **Data for download** label * you must provide your name, organization and email address in order to access the dataset This product requires the use of GIS software. *[GIS]: geographic information system
Geographic information on Independent Health Facility's (IHFs). An IHF, subject to certain exemptions, is a place in which one or more members of the public receives health services or a health facility or class of health facilities designated by the Minster of Health and Long-Term Care.
Geographic information for Public Health Unit's (PHU), official health agencies established by municipalities to provide an efficient community health program.
Geographic information on pharmacies in Ontario.
Ontario's Healthy Babies Healthy Children program helps infants and children up to age 6 and their families through: * risk screening and assessments * referrals to community programs and services * supports for new parents These shapefiles provide geospatial data for mapping the 34 Healthy Babies and Healthy Children delivery regions in Ontario. __Please note:__ The Healthy Babies Healthy Children program is delivered through Ontario’s public health units in partnership with hospitals and other community partners. The Healthy Babies Healthy Children boundaries align with Public Health Unit boundaries.
Geographical information of hospitals: including public, private and specialty psychiatric. The geographical information includes: * organization name * city * address * postal code
Geographical information about the head offices for community-based organizations in the province which serve children with physical disabilities and special needs. The centres offer physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy along with unique local community needs. The geographical information includes: * organization name * city * address * postal code
The name, location, hours of operation and contact information for flu shot clinics in the province. The dataset does not contain Public Health Units or your local health care provider's office, which also offer the flu shot. Data is updated each morning and is provided in JSON format. [Learn more about the flu]( *[JSON]: JavaScript Object Notation
Geographic information on the locations of midwifery clinics. In 1994, midwifery became part of the Ontario healthcare system and is provided free of charge to residents of the province. Midwives provide care in both the hospital and home setting.