Ocean Circulation
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NOAA CoastWatch distributes science quality Ekman current (in zonal, meridional, and modulus sets) and Ekman upwelling data. This data begins with wind velocity measurements from the SeaWinds instrument onboard NASA's QuikSCAT satellite. SeaWinds is a microwave scatterometer designed to measure surface winds over the global ocean. NOAA CoastWatch processes wind velocity to wind stress and wind stress curl, and finally to Ekman current and Ekman upwelling.
Aviso Zonal Geostrophic Current is inferred from Sea Surface Height Deviation, climatological dynamic height, and basic fluid mechanics.
NOAA CoastWatch distributes near real time Ekman current (in zonal, meridional, and modulus sets) and Ekman upwelling data. This data begins with wind velocity measurements from the ASCAT instrument onboard EUMETSAT's ASCAT satellite. ASCAT is a microwave scatterometer designed to measure surface winds over the global ocean. NOAA CoastWatch processes wind velocity to wind stress and wind stress curl, and finally to Ekman current and Ekman upwelling.
The data is the zonal component of ocean surface currents derived from High Frequency Radio-derived measurements, with missing values filled in by a normal model. THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL PRODUCT: intended strictly for scientific evaluation by professional marine scientists.
The data is the zonal component of ocean surface currents derived from High Frequency Radio-derived measurements, with missing values filled in by a normal model. THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL PRODUCT: intended strictly for scientific evaluation by professional marine scientists.
Aviso Zonal Geostrophic Current is inferred from Sea Surface Height Deviation, climatological dynamic height, and basic fluid mechanics.
NOAA CoastWatch distributes near real time Ekman current (in zonal, meridional, and modulus sets) and Ekman upwelling data. This data begins with wind velocity measurements from the ASCAT instrument onboard EUMETSAT's ASCAT satellite. ASCAT is a microwave scatterometer designed to measure surface winds over the global ocean. NOAA CoastWatch processes wind velocity to wind stress and wind stress curl, and finally to Ekman current and Ekman upwelling.
NOAA CoastWatch distributes science quality Ekman current (in zonal, meridional, and modulus sets) and Ekman upwelling data. This data begins with wind velocity measurements from the SeaWinds instrument onboard NASA's QuikSCAT satellite. SeaWinds is a microwave scatterometer designed to measure surface winds over the global ocean. NOAA CoastWatch processes wind velocity to wind stress and wind stress curl, and finally to Ekman current and Ekman upwelling.
The data indicates the probability of oceanic sea surface temperature fronts off the California coast. They were created using remote sensing sea surface temperature data from the GOES geostationary satellite. THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL PRODUCT: intended strictly for scientific evaluation by professional marine scientists. The data is unitless.
NOAA CoastWatch distributes near real time Ekman current (in zonal, meridional, and modulus sets) and Ekman upwelling data. This data begins with wind velocity measurements from the ASCAT instrument onboard EUMETSAT's ASCAT satellite. ASCAT is a microwave scatterometer designed to measure surface winds over the global ocean. NOAA CoastWatch processes wind velocity to wind stress and wind stress curl, and finally to Ekman current and Ekman upwelling.