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This layer represents all the flora and fauna occurrences (1) in a precarious situation in the [Quebec Natural Heritage Data Center (CDPNQ)] ( The purpose of publishing these data is to improve their accessibility for customers, to promote the consideration of species in land use projects and, finally, to facilitate the exchange of information with users. # #Des data adapted to the sensitivity of species to promote their protection In order to prevent the dissemination of data from causing harm to certain species or their habitat, the CDPNQ has chosen to hide information. This choice is based on an analysis of the sensitivity of species to the dissemination of information concerning them. Generalized occurrences, i.e. those whose information is hidden, make it possible, despite the absence of precise information, to distinguish the territories for which the CDPNQ holds data on these species from those where it does not. It should also be noted that the absence of occurrences does not mean the absence of species in a precarious situation on a territory. # #Des valuable data for the conservation of biodiversity The CDPNQ disseminates data relating to species in a precarious situation for scientific, conservation or management purposes. This data is important for: * Evaluate conservation priorities in order to make designation recommendations under the Act Respecting Threatened or Vulnerable Species or to apply protection measures for species in a precarious situation; * Develop or analyze conservation and land use projects carried out by municipalities, developers or various conservation stakeholders; * Document or analyze requests for ministerial authorizations and environmental impact studies; * Target threats and conservation measures useful to inform the preparation of recovery plans for species in a precarious situation; * Contribute to conservation research projects; * Revise laws and regulations; * Ensure sustainable planning of land use and development of Quebec territory, whether forest, agricultural, municipal or other; * Contribute to the monitoring of the state of biodiversity and support reflections leading to the development of government guidelines in this area. The data is kept up to date thanks to field surveys, carried out in particular by the provincial and federal governments and several of their partners, but also thanks to the contribution of citizens. (1) An occurrence refers to a territory that harbours or has sheltered an element of biodiversity. When talking about a species, the occurrence generally corresponds to the habitat occupied by a local population of the species in question.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
This habitat quality model shows the probability of the presence of short-eared owls in southern Quebec during the nesting season. It is based on species presence data and a modeling of several environmental variables of interest to the species during the nesting period. The model is based on 64 ha analysis units, i.e. cells with a side length of 800 meters. For more details, for example on the study area, the data used and the modeling carried out, consult the following report [“Habitat quality model for the short-eared owl (Asio flammeus) in southern Quebec”] ( ### What is an MQH? A habitat quality model (HQM) is a “rough representation” of the preferred habitat of a wildlife species. For general information, consult the [“Habitat Quality Assessment”] page ( ### WARNING The MQH was developed primarily in order to determine the sectors with the best potential to shelter the target species, in order to prioritize inventories. The models developed have limitations and therefore cannot be used to confirm the absence of a species at a given location. Consult the [“The benefits and limitations of habitat quality models”] section ( on the “Habitat Quality Assessment” page for general information or the [report] ( for information specific to the short-eared owl MQH.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
Wildlife Habitats (HAFA) contains data for the 11 legal wildlife habitats located on land under the domain of the State and is protected under the Wildlife Habitat Regulations (RHF). There are also HAFAs located on mixed and private lands for information purposes. Since they are essential environments for wildlife, the eleven habitats benefit from legal protection in Quebec. __The conservation of wildlife species and their habitats is beneficial for biodiversity. Each of these species plays an important role in our ecosystems.__ ### #Mise on guard: The digital version of geo-descriptive data describing wildlife habitats is produced from a legal perspective of location, protection and management of habitats. In fact, only the digital version that has been published in the Official Gazette of Quebec is recognized as legal. Last publication of wildlife habitats: November 17, 2022.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**