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    STE_SCANNED_MAP_BOUNDARY_SP includes an index of the mapsheet grid location of Soils, Terrain, Ecosystems and related scanned maps (including Agriculture Capability and Climate Capability maps). These maps are intended for on-screen viewing or printing. The majority of the maps have been geo-referenced. Mapping may not cover the whole map grid area. Some maps are interim or draft and may have been superseded. Some files are of related legends and map project text. Associated scanned map boundary attributes describe the project map (project level metadata) and provide a link for downloading the map, plus links to related reports, geo-referenced maps, and GIS digital data available from other sources. ATTENTION - The IMAGE_URL link is only useable by BC government staff. Public users can download the scanned maps by using the ECOCAT_URL link. There is no charge for the scanned map files. Please note that some maps and more recent mapping may also be available in digital GIS format. See - Ecosystem and Terrain Mapping Data Inventory.