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This dataset is a record of existing data related to public drinking water systems and source water protection in Yukon and contains:• Spatial data including well and source water locations, well capture zones; and• Georeferenced metadata including aquifer and hydrogeology information, well logs, well completion details, water quality information, source water protection planning information, and water treatment and distribution information from this report.The information was compiled as a discreet project under the ‘Yukon Water Strategy’ and represents a ‘snapshot in time’ of the Drinking Water Systems. Information for the project was provided by the various Drinking Water System owners included in the project. There is no immediate plan for updating the data, but there is hope that the information can be reviewed and updated on a scheduled basis, depending on available resources
This layer depicts the locations of over 900 sites of potential environmental concern within the Yukon, including sites with known or suspected contamination; sites with physical hazards such as old adits, abandoned headframes and buildings; and sites with aesthetic concerns such as abandoned vehicles and debris. This layer includes all sites from a more detailed database maintained by the Environmental Programs Branch, Yukon Department of Environment.
ETOPO Global Topography and Bathymetry. ETOPO1_Bed_g.int (ETOPO1 (1 arc minute - Worldwide) Bedrock)
This data set was created upon direction from Yukon Government, DIAND, Yukon Region and CYFN following consultations with citizens of Carcross, Ross River, Old Crow and Beaver Creek. The maps for Burwash Landing, Destruction Bay, Pelly Crossing and Deep Creek reflect the community boundaries of the respective First Nation Final Agreements. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information: geomatics.help@yukon.ca