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This data is a snapshot of Ontario’s forests using the latest available data. Summaries include: * area and volume of forest types * common tree species * other land information such as area by forest region, ecoregions and other land classes Visual display: * The forest information presented in this data is also available in interactive maps and charts * Maps and charts allow you to view the data in finer detail and allows for comparisons between forest types and regions You can also view: * [Forest resources of Ontario 2021](
The spatial representation for a Natural Resource (NR) Region, that is an administrative area established by the Ministry, within NR Areas. These boundaries are designated by the Lieutenant Governor in council and published as regulations which establishes the Ministry's management areas. This dataset supersedes WHSE_ADMIN_BOUNDARIES.FADM_REGION
Spatial location of all harvesting identified in the first 10 years of 2012 Forest Management Plans for Crown timber licenses. Blocks are identified by broad treatment category and by the period (2012-2016 and 2017-2022) they are available for harvest.
The spatial representation for a Natural Resource Area. An NR AREA is an amalgamation of all NR Regions within the supplied boundaries and acts as an administrative area to these regions as established by the Ministry. This dataset supersedes WHSE_ADMIN_BOUNDARIES.NRO_ADM_AREAS_SP
The spatial representation for a Natural Resource (NR) District, that is an administrative area established by the Ministry, within NR Regions.
A national map of Canadian Fire Behaviour Prediction (FBP) Fuel Types (FT) developed from public data sources. The resolution of the raster grid is 30m, classified from the Spatialized Canadian National Forest Inventory (SCANFI) dataset, ecozones of Canada, and the National Burned Area Composite (NBAC). The purpose of the dataset is to characterize Canadian forests into fuel types for use in Fire Behaviour Prediction calculations as well as for situational awareness of national fire potential.
Forest Management in Canada 2020 Web Scene Web scene of Canada's Managed Forests, 2020. This web scene is used in the Story Map of Forest Management in Canada, 2020.
Forest Management in Canada 2020 Vector Tile Layer This vector tile layer is used in the Story Map of Forest Management in Canada, 2020.
Statistics on changes in forest management in Canada in 2017 and 2020. This page provides statistics on forest management in Canada in 2017 and 2020 and is part of the Story Map of Forest Management in Canada, 2020. **This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
Canadian forest management has multiple goals and varies in intensity. Governments, forest companies, Indigenous peoples, communities, and many other stakeholders are all involved in the forest management planning process. Management goals and the plans developed by professional foresters to achieve these goals differ from place to place. Canadian forests are often grouped into two categories: managed forest and unmanaged forest. This type of classification is sometimes useful, but the reality is much more complex and interesting. This interactive story map provides information on designations, ownership, forest tenures, and land protection statuses, and provides a comprehensive picture of the geography of Canada's managed forests. It has been updated from an earlier version to show land designations in 2020. **This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**