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    The atlas provides printable maps, Web Services and downloadable data files representing seabirds at-sea densities in eastern Canada. The information provided on the open data web site can be used to identify areas where seabirds at sea are found in eastern Canada. However, low survey effort or high variation in some areas introduces uncertainty in the density estimates provided. The data and maps found on the open data web site should therefore be interpreted with an understanding of this uncertainty. Data were collected using ships of opportunity surveys and therefore spatial and seasonal coverage varies considerably. Densities are computed using distance sampling to adjust for variation in detection rates among observers and survey conditions. Depending on conditions, seabirds can be difficult to identify to species level. Therefore, densities at higher taxonomic levels are provided. more details in the document: Atlas_SeabirdsAtSea-OiseauxMarinsEnMer.pdf. By clicking on "View on Map" you will visualize a example of the density measured for all species combined from April to July - 2006-2020. ESRI REST or WMS map services can be added to your web maps or opened directly in your desktop mapping applications. These are alternatives to downloading and provide densities for all taxonomical groups and species as well as survey effort.

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    This project was completed by the Salmonids Section in the Newfoundland and Labrador Science Branch of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). The Coastal Environmental Baseline Program has supported efforts in 2018 and 2019 of tagged Atlantic salmon smolts leaving the Bay de L’eau River and Rushoon River region of Placentia Bay. This was part of a larger four year tracking study in this region (2018, 2019, 2021, 2022) trying to improve DFO’s understanding of the residency, survival, and migration routes of Atlantic salmon smolts during the first months at sea within northwest Placentia Bay. As of spring 2023, four years of detection data were being processed with the goal of presenting this work at the next Atlantic salmon CSAS meeting and developing a primary publication. This record contains the locations there smolt were tagged in Placentia Bay, NL.

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    This project was completed by the Groundfish Section in the Newfoundland and Labrador Science Branch of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). From 2018 to 2020, 14 year-round, acoustic receivers were deployed in Placentia Bay as a part of the Coastal Environmental Baseline Program to form 4 gates: Bar Haven (2 receivers), Centre Channel (1 receiver), Eastern Channel (6 receivers), and Western Channel (5 receivers). Additionally, 162 transmitters were deployed in Atlantic cod in the 3Ps region (2019-2022). Over the deployment period these receivers recorded a total of 2 094 024 detections from 63 unique transmitters including 45 Cod tagged through the Groundfish acoustic telemetry program. Most cod detected were tagged in Placentia Bay (43 fish) and many were detected at multiple receivers or multiple years (37 fish). Passive data collection for this project may extend up to 2030. This record contains the locations of the acoustic receivers in Placentia Bay, NL.

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    The initial objective of this dataset was to study the seasonal movement patterns of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in the St. Lawrence Estuary and Sable Island. This study was part of a larger program that studied the foraging behavior of the species. Ten harbour seals were captured using gillnets from 1994 to 1998 at three sites in the St. Lawrence Estuary (Bic, n=1 individual; île Blanche, n=1; Métis-sur-Mer, n=5) and one site on Sable Island (n=3 individuals). The individuals were equipped with a satellite-linked time-depth recorder (Type3.10, Wildlife Computers) equipped with an Argos tag and placed on the back of the neck. For most individuals, satellite tracking began in September and continued until the following spring. The dataset consists of series of geographic locations of ten harbor seals with associated dates and times and movement speeds calculated from successive locations. The location data were only filtered based on the validity class provided by Argos. Class Z locations were excluded.