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    The Public Land Use Zone (PLUZ) dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent Public Land Use Zones in Alberta. A Public Land Use Zone is an area of land to which legislative controls are applied to achieve particular land management objectives identified in a guiding land and resource plan. They can be used to protect areas containing sensitive resources such as wildlife and their habitats, vegetation, soils and watersheds as well as to separate or manage conflicting recreational activities. These areas have been designated as Public Land Use Zones, under the authority of Section 178 and 208 of the Public Lands Administration Regulation (PLAR) under the Public Lands Act. Public Land Use Zones were formerly known as Forest Land Use Zones (FLUZ) which were designated under the former Forest Recreation Regulation under the Forests Act. The Public Lands Administration Regulation came into effect on September 12, 2011. At this time, Forest Land Use Zones under the Forest Recreation Regulation were incorporated into the Public Lands Act and Public Lands Administration Regulation. As a result, Forest Land Use Zone became Public Land Use Zone.

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    The Crown Land Trails dataset is a collection of linear features representing the location of trails on Crown land administered under the Public Lands Act, Provincial Parks Act, Wilderness Areas, Ecological Reserves, Natural Areas, Heritage Rangelands Act and Willmore Wilderness Parks Act in Alberta. Please note that this dataset supersedes the Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park Trails and Fish Creek Trails datasets. The dataset also includes provincial trails designated under the Trails Act and established as provincial trails under the Public Lands Act, through Ministerial Order. These provincial trails include the trail tread (the surface on which people travel) as well as a boundary which is minimum 10m either side of the centerline of the trail tread. The boundary is defined in the Trail Designation: Ministerial Order. This boundary is to ensure associated structures are captured within the trail boundary, such as signs, parking areas, and warming shelters and ensure the safety of people using the trail system. If any discrepancy occurs between the Alberta Public Land Use Zone (PLUZ) maps and data the maps shall take precedence. For provincial trails, Public Land Use Zone maps have not been updated to reflect provincial trails. Users must adhere to the signs and notices for the applicable trail.