

474 record(s)
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    This dataset provides polygon extents of the runway surfaces at airports, aerodromes and airstrips across the territory. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information:

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    Off Road Vehicle (ORV) Trail Plan show the trails (whether individually or by zone) within the off-road vehicle management area or the part of the off-road vehicle management area for which a trail plan is developed, on which an off-road vehicle may be used. A red, yellow, green scheme is used to symbolize the level of restriction on the trail plan. Red: off road vehicles are prohibited; Yellow: off road vehicles are prohibited except where designated by an approved Off Road Management Area Trail Plan; Green: off road vehicles are not prohibited Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information: ca

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    A Linear Safety Feature is one of a number of various appliances/appurtenances that have been installed or constructed either alongside or as an integral part of the road infrastructure to reduce the severity or potential of accidents. It is a Linear feature

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    This dataset provides locations of highway maintenance camps. Maintenance Camps house the staff and equipment that maintain Yukon highways. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information:

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    ORV management areas are designate areas where off-road vehicle use is managed for the protection of ecological balance or physical characteristics within the area, including on mineral claims and in territorial parks. Off-road vehicle management areas can result from recommendations coming out of public planning processes, such as regional land-use planning, local area planning and special management areas such as Habitat Protection areas or parks. Governments and other groups, such as the Fish and Wildlife Management Boards and Renewable Resource Councils can submit a proposal that identifies ecologically-sensitive areas that off-road vehicle management areas could protect. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information:

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    The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure's Avalanche and Weather Programs is responsible for the support and maintenance of the ministry's weather data. While reasonable care is exercised in recording and communicating accurate data, the province neither warrants nor represents the sufficiency of this information.

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    The Crown Land Trails dataset is a collection of linear features representing the location of trails on Crown land administered under the Public Lands Act, Provincial Parks Act, Wilderness Areas, Ecological Reserves, Natural Areas, Heritage Rangelands Act and Willmore Wilderness Parks Act in Alberta. Please note that this dataset supersedes the Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park Trails and Fish Creek Trails datasets. The dataset also includes provincial trails designated under the Trails Act and established as provincial trails under the Public Lands Act, through Ministerial Order. These provincial trails include the trail tread (the surface on which people travel) as well as a boundary which is minimum 10m either side of the centerline of the trail tread. The boundary is defined in the Trail Designation: Ministerial Order. This boundary is to ensure associated structures are captured within the trail boundary, such as signs, parking areas, and warming shelters and ensure the safety of people using the trail system. If any discrepancy occurs between the Alberta Public Land Use Zone (PLUZ) maps and data the maps shall take precedence. For provincial trails, Public Land Use Zone maps have not been updated to reflect provincial trails. Users must adhere to the signs and notices for the applicable trail.

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    Part of the Nova Scotia Topographic Database (NSTDB), the roads and railroads theme layer is updated and maintained from aerial photography and collected in the field with mobile GPS, Field inspections verify road way types such as surface and number of lanes. Road feature codes and their descriptions are provided with the download in a NSTDB feature code table. Data download also available via GeoNova: Map service view also available via GeoNova:

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    This is a point shape file representing 2 kilometre incremental distances along each of the 8 NWT highways.  These 2km points do not represent the actual location of 2km highway posts found along the sides of the highways.  The feature class points are placed every 2 kilometres along a highway and represent the distance from a fixed commencement point, the beginning of that highway.

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    Primary Weight, Provincial Highways and RM Roads, Clearing the Path Corridors Map A map of primary weight provincial highways and RM roads clearing the path corridors