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    The Lands Officer Districts dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent the Forestry and Parks Lands Officer Districts within the Province of Alberta.

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    The Hamlet Boundaries dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent Hamlets in Alberta. The formation of a hamlet can occur if there are 5 or more buildings used as dwellings with a majority of which are on parcels of land smaller than 1850 square metres, has a generally accepted boundary and name and contains parcels of land that are used for non-residential purposes. A hamlet is an unincorporated community that can be designated by the council of Municipal District or Specialized Municipality within their boundaries, or by the Minister of Municipal Affairs within the boundaries of an Improvement District.

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    The Treaty Boundary dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent the historical treaty lands of Canada negotiated by First Nations over the years through treaty-making between 1867 - 1999. The approximate boundaries illustrate the traditional territories described in First Nations Statements of Intent to negotiate treaties which have been submitted to, and accepted.

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    The Public Land Use Zone (PLUZ) dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent Public Land Use Zones in Alberta. A Public Land Use Zone is an area of land to which legislative controls are applied to achieve particular land management objectives identified in a guiding land and resource plan. They can be used to protect areas containing sensitive resources such as wildlife and their habitats, vegetation, soils and watersheds as well as to separate or manage conflicting recreational activities. These areas have been designated as Public Land Use Zones, under the authority of Section 178 and 208 of the Public Lands Administration Regulation (PLAR) under the Public Lands Act. Public Land Use Zones were formerly known as Forest Land Use Zones (FLUZ) which were designated under the former Forest Recreation Regulation under the Forests Act. The Public Lands Administration Regulation came into effect on September 12, 2011. At this time, Forest Land Use Zones under the Forest Recreation Regulation were incorporated into the Public Lands Act and Public Lands Administration Regulation. As a result, Forest Land Use Zone became Public Land Use Zone.

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    Compiled by Alberta Data Partnerships Ltd. (ADP), on behalf of the Government of Alberta, the Alberta Provincial Boundary ATS v4.1 polygon layer contains the polygon that represents the location of the boundaries of the Province of Alberta. This version of the Province of Alberta boundaries should be considered definitive for Government of Alberta use, and supersedes all previous versions.

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    The Public Land Recreation Area dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent Public Land Recreation Areas in Alberta. A Public Land Recreation Area is an area of recreation land designated under the authority of Section 179 of the Public Lands Administration Regulation under the Public Lands Act. Public Land Recreation Area was formerly known as Forest Recreation Area under the Forest Recreation Regulation under the Forests Act. No changes to the Forest Recreation Area data layer were made when it was migrated to become the Public Land Recreation Area dataset.

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    The Air and Watershed Resource Management Contacts and Boundaries dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent the Air and Watershed Stewardship districts and the manager to contact with questions or concerns about environmental framework implementation and management response. This dataset was created to lend support to the Regulatory Assurance Division.

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    The Lands Officer Region dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent the Forestry and Parks Lands Officer Regions within the Province of Alberta.

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    An administrative unit of forest land designated by the Minister, as authorized under Section 14(1) of the Forests Act.

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    The Rangeland Management Zones dataset is comprised of all the polygons that represent the Rangeland Management Zones in Alberta. A Rangeland Management Zone is an administrative area designated by the Lands Division in which grazing and other agricultural uses related to public land are managed by regional branch offices. The boundaries are used to ensure referrals are sent to the correct locations. The Rangeland Management Zones was formerly known as Alberta Sustainable Resource Development Rangeland Management Districts.