Province of British Columbia
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This dataset is a generalized view of "Timing Windows for Work in and About Waterbodies in the Cariboo Natural Resource Region" used for viewing the data at the Regional level. Timing windows are the period(s) during the year when work may be carried out in and about water bodies with the lowest risk to fish and wildlife species and habitat. Timing windows and terms and conditions vary based on regional differences in fish and wildlife species and habitat, and geography. The timing window of least risk to fish and fish habitat must be applied to all activities in water bodies, as well as tributaries that have a risk of depositing sediment into water bodies. Windows of least risk are designed to protect all fish species known to occur in a water body.
Timing windows are the period(s) during the year when work may be carried out in and about water bodies with the lowest risk to fish and wildlife species and habitat. Timing windows and terms and conditions vary based on regional differences in fish and wildlife species and habitat, and geography. The timing window of least risk to fish and fish habitat must be applied to all activities in water bodies, as well as tributaries that have a risk of depositing sediment into water bodies. Windows of least risk are designed to protect all fish species known to occur in a water body.
This dataset consists of polyline, single part, and multi part polygons representing the Province of British Columbia. The terrestrial portion of the boundary was derived from the Administrative Boundaries Management System (ABMS) representation of the province: [Province of British Columbia - Legally Defined Administrative Areas of BC]( The coastal portion of the boundary differs from the ABMS boundary and was derived from the Freshwater Atlas (FWA): [Freshwater Atlas Coastlines]( This boundary may be updated periodically, as more accurate data becomes available. Due to the structure of the data, it does not meet the technical requirements to be published in the BC Geographic Warehouse (BCGW). It is available for download as an OGC GeoPackage and as an ESRI File Geodatabase in the **Data and Resources** box to the the right.