Weather Data
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Weather stations operated by Manitoba Agriculture. Manitoba Agriculture operates a network of over 100 weather stations across Manitoba's agricultural region which provide hourly updated air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, wind speed and direction, soil temperature and soil moisture. The WeatherStations feature class displays the location of the weather stations and its table contains a link to current weather for each station. Fields included: Weather Stations (StnName) Weather station name Latitude (LatDD) Latitude in decimal degrees Longitude (LongDD) Longitude in decimal degrees Elevation (m) (Elevation) Elevation in metres above sea level AgRegion Local geographic region for agriculture management in Manitoba More information (URL) Website link to information sheet on this location
Hourly updated weather data and related interpretations provided by Manitoba Agriculture. Weather is one of the primary factors affecting agricultural and access to current weather information is critical to agricultural operations. High quality weather data, forecasts and risk models can reduce production risk, while increasing profitability and environmental performance of the agriculture sector. Manitoba Agriculture operates a network of over 100 weather stations across Manitoba's agricultural region which provide hourly updated air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, wind speed and direction, soil temperature, and soil moisture. To learn more go to Manitoba Ag-Weather Program. Manitoba Agriculture makes every effort to verify that surveillance data and interpretations are accurate and current. Data is updated hourly. This application uses the Current Weather Conditions Web Map as its data source.