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Displays the levels of escalating enforcement applied by health officers to enforce the Manitoba Food and Food Handling Establishment Regulations when food safety violations are not corrected in the prescribed period of time This table displays the frequency in which health officers applied escalating levels of enforcement to food processors who did not correct food safety violations in the prescribed amount of time indicated in the inspection. Food processors are given a period of time to correct food safety violations based on the associated risk to food safety. Escalating enforcement is only applied if the violation is not corrected in the prescribed period of time. This table was created by the Food Safety and Inspection Branch - Agriculture and Resource Development department.Field Names (Field Alias): Field description. Period (Period):The period for which the data was collected. Either quarterly or yearly. Year (Year): The specific year of the previously mentioned data collection period. Date (Date): The dates of the calendar year in which the data was collected during a period. Enforcement_Type (Enforcement Type): The individual levels of escalating enforcement applied by health officers. The values for this field are "Warning letter", "Verbal warning", "Offence notice issued", "Closure orders issued", "Suspensions", "Products seized and destroyed", "Products seized and held". Total (Total): the number of occurrences a level of escalating enforcement was applied in a period.
This data shows spatial density of Corn cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which Corn is more expected. Results are provided as rasters with numerical values for each pixel indicating the spatial density calculated for that location. Higher spatial density values represent higher likelihood to have Corn based on analysis of the 2009 to 2021 AAFC annual crop inventory data.
This data shows spatial density of canary seed cultivation in Canada. Regions with higher calculated spatial densities represent agricultural regions of Canada in which canary seed is more expected. Results are provided as rasters with numerical values for each pixel indicating the spatial density calculated for that location. Higher spatial density values represent higher likelihood to have canary seed based on analysis of the 2009 to 2021 AAFC annual crop inventory data.
This data series was compiled by AAFC and Statistics Canada using a combination of agroclimate data and satellite-derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data for the current growing season. The forecast is made based on a statistical model using historical yield, climate and NDVI data.
This table contains information about non-compliances to five sections under The Animal Care Act. This table contains information about the number of non-compliances found to five sections of The Animal Care Act for each year, starting in 2016, to the most recent quarter. This data is populated by the Provincial Animal Welfare Database for the Manitoba Animal Welfare Program and is displayed in the Manitoba Animal Welfare Program – Non-Compliances to The Animal Care Act chart. The table will be updated on a quarterly basis. Fields included [Alias (Field Name): Field description] LookActStatsGrp (LookActStatsGrp): Includes the section under The Animal Care Act for which non-compliances were found Year (Year): Includes the year, beginning in 2016, to the current year (e.g., 2016, 2017, 2018) Month (Month): Includes the numeric value of all months in a calendar year (e.g., 1, 2, 3) Quarter (Quarter): Includes the numeric values of all quarters in a calendar year (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4), where quarter 1 corresponds with January, February and March, quarter 2 corresponds with April, May and June, quarter 3 corresponds with July, August and September and quarter 4 corresponds with October, November and December YQ (YQ): Includes the year and quarter of the most recent 12 quarters (e.g., 2021 Q1, 2021 Q2 )
The Grain Elevators in Canada - 2022 dataset maps the list of grain elevators in Canada as provided by the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC). The elevators have been located as much as possible to an actual location rather than generalizing to the station name centroid. Additionally car spot information from CN, CP and the grain companies has been added where this has been published. This dataset attempts to provide a temporal and geographical extent of the grain elevators in Canada.
The Canada Land Inventory (CLI), 1:000,000, Land Limitation for Agriculture dataset illustrates the varying potential of a specific area for agricultural production. Classes of land capability for agriculture are based on mineral soils grouped according to their potential and limitations for agricultural use. The classes indicate the degree of limitation imposed by the soil in its use for mechanized agriculture. The subclasses indicate the kinds of limitations that individually or in combination with others, are affecting agricultural land use. Characteristics of the soil as determined by soil surveys.
The Grain Elevators in Canada - 2021 dataset maps the list of grain elevators in Canada as provided by the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC). The elevators have been located as much as possible to an actual location rather than generalizing to the station name centroid. Additionally car spot information from CN, CP and the grain companies has been added where this has been published. This dataset attempts to provide a temporal and geographical extent of the grain elevators in Canada.
Crop development stage in a numerical scale. All living organisms move from one stage of development to the next over time. For annual crops, it life cycle (growing season) completed within a year. Crop water use differs from one stage to another mostly due to the differences in the amount of green leaves, thus crop stage is closely related to its water consumption and water stress condition. Crop stages are mostly controlled by growing season heat accumulation and regulated by day-length crop some crops. The crop stages provided here are determined by a biometeorlogical time scale model (Robertson, 1968) for cool season crops (wheat, barley etc.) , and a Crop Heat Unit (Brown and Bootsma, 1993) algorithm for warm season crops (corn and soybean etc.).
The Grain Elevators in Canada - 2019 dataset maps the list of grain elevators in Canada as provided by the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC). The elevators have been located as much as possible to an actual location rather than generalizing to the station name centroid. Additionally car spot information from CN, CP and the grain companies has been added where this has been published. This dataset attempts to provide a temporal and geographical extent of the grain elevators in Canada.