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    This layer presents the delimitation of the perimeter of the special intervention zone (ZIS) of the decree called “Declaration of a special intervention zone in order to promote better management of flood zones”. This zone was created using a variety of data sources presenting the 2017 and 2019 flooded areas. Since the adoption of Decree 817-2019, this dataset is no longer in force. For more information on the mapping of flood zones in Quebec, consult the Information available on the Ministry's website using the following link:**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    This layer shows the delimitation of the perimeter of the 2017-2019 flooded area found in Annex 2 of the decree called “Declaration of a special intervention zone in order to promote better management of flood zones”. This zone was created using a variety of data sources presenting the 2017 and 2019 flooded areas. For more information on the mapping of flood zones in Quebec, consult the Information available on the Ministry's website using the following link:**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    Delimitation of territories for which a ministerial order has been published in the Official Gazette of Quebec in order to exempt them from the application of the regulations provided for in the territory of the ZIS. Territories other than those shown may be subtracted later. For more information on the mapping of flood zones in Quebec, consult the information available on the Ministry's website using the following link:**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    Since 1 March 2022, the Special Intervention Zones (ZIS) have been lifted. However, the territory flooded during the exceptional spring floods of 2017 and 2019, as illustrated in Annex 2 adjusted to Decree 814-2019, is considered by the Regulation concerning the provisional implementation of the amendments made by chapter 7 of the laws of 2021 on the management of risks related to floods (Transitional Regulation) as an area comparable to a low-current zone. The adjusted Annex 2 corresponds to the delimitation of the territory flooded during the spring floods of 2017 and 2019 in connection with the decree establishing the ZIS published on 15 July 2019, from which the portions of territory covered by the ministerial orders published on 30 December 2019 were subtracted.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**