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    A limnimetric scale is a ruler, usually made of enamelled steel, that resists corrosion. They are generally attached by means of anchoring to existing infrastructures (bridge, quay, concrete wall) in order to ensure their durability. During periods of flooding, they allow municipalities to monitor and follow the rise in river levels. Purpose: Locate the speed scales that have been installed on waterways in the various administrative regions of Quebec as part of the vigilance project.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    Ice maps produced for the prevention of flooding by ice jams and the monitoring of river ice during spring floods, winter temperatures or even during problems with ice jams. The maps are derived from radar satellite images, therefore available regardless of cloud cover, from several different sources, using algorithms to classify pixels into types of ice cover. Data is only processed and displayed on the main rivers at risk. The date the image was taken and the approximate region covered by the data is shown in the layer name. Data is added several times a week, but the frequency of revisits to each river can vary between 2 days and 2 weeks. __ | Name | Period | Satellite | Resolution | Algorithm | __ | R2 | 2018 - 2022 | Radarsat 2 | 7m | 7m | 7m | Icemap-r | | IceMap-r | | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | 2 times a week, 7 m | 7 m | IceMap-r | 7 m | | IceMap-r | 7 m | | IceMap-r | 7 m | | Icemap-r | | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | R | 2, 8, 7 m | | IceMap-r | 7 m | | IceMap-r 12.5m | owner DGI | The different classes in the legend make it possible to differentiate the following types of ice: * __Water (dark blue) __: open water * __Water/Smooth ice (blue) __: combination of water on ice, or spaced rafts of frasil * __Smooth ice (cyan) __: or black ice, the exact term for this type of ice is “columnar ice”, due to the vertical and elongated shape of the crystals that compose it. Black ice is generally transparent because it contains few or no air bubbles. It is formed by cooling, in fairly calm water, which is why it is sometimes called “thermal ice”. Its surface is very smooth. * __Consolidated ice (light pink) __: it includes Frasil ice or snow ice. Frasil ice forms in turbulent and very cold water. Composed of fine rounded crystals. These grains accumulate and rise to the surface to form moving ice rafts. These rafts end up close enough to freeze together (agglomerated ice). It contains a lot of air bubbles Its surface is slightly to moderately rough. * __Consolidated ice with accumulations (dark pink) __: ice cover formed by the stacking and freezing of various forms of moving ice. blocks that are superimposed or pieces of ice that are detached in one place and that are piled up in another. Moderately rough to very rough surface The images from Radarsat-2 and RCM are obtained through a partnership between Public Safety Canada and the MSP. The ICEMAP-R algorithm developed by INRS makes it possible to identify the type of ice according to the internal roughness of the ice (presence of air bubbles) and the roughness of the surface of the ice cover (presence of blocks and accumulations). The initial version was usable for Radarsat 2. The 2022 and 2023 RCM ice maps are given as an indication (new algorithm in process), only the 2024 data are processed with the Icemap-R algorithm adapted to RCM. Since 2018, the MSP has also used images from Sentinel-1, a radar satellite from the European Space Agency with a resolution of 10 m, resampled to 12.5m for ice maps. The images are then processed by the firm Arctus, which uses a proprietary algorithm. The output of the various algorithms has been reclassified to obtain a comparable legend. Historical data may have presented an alternative classification. Until 2022, the legend varied between winter and thaw. LIMITATIONS: the ice map is the result of an automated radar satellite image processing process. This process involves interpretation uncertainties that may be caused by the climatic conditions that prevailed when the image was acquired (melt, presence of water on the ice) or by physical characteristics of the watercourse (presence of shoals, islands or rapids). They also depend on the resolution of the initial images. Thus, although the ice map created is representative of reality, there may be some errors in identifying ice conditions at the local level. The use of the product is optimal when combined with field observations. The web service also contains visible satellite images from Landsat (L8, L9) or Sentinel 2 (S2); in this case colored compounds (false colors to benefit from the infrared bands in particular) are used to best visualize the presence of ice.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    During flooding episodes, areas may be flooded even though the cartography established does not indicate that they are located in flood zones. This situation can occur when the water levels reached exceed those represented on the map or when floods affect areas that have not yet been studied. These cartographic data correspond to the delimitation of these territories and are used to produce event maps of these floods. __To date, the following sectors have been maped:__ * Lac-Saint-Jean (2022) * Lac-Saint-Jean (2022) * Saint-Maurice River (2022) Photogrammetric capture, allowing the delimitation of these territories, was carried out following the farthest limit reached by the waters from aerial photographs taken during the floods. It should be noted that this work is part of measure 4 of __ [Plan for the protection of the territory against floods (PPTFI)] (**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    This layer presents the delimitation of the perimeter of the special intervention zone (ZIS) of the decree called “Declaration of a special intervention zone in order to promote better management of flood zones”. This zone was created using a variety of data sources presenting the 2017 and 2019 flooded areas. Since the adoption of Decree 817-2019, this dataset is no longer in force. For more information on the mapping of flood zones in Quebec, consult the Information available on the Ministry's website using the following link:**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    Geo-Flooding is an interactive map, accessible by mobile or computer, which allows you to consult the sectors for which information relating to flood zones is available. The information disseminated in this map comes from the following three sources of information (work has been done on the data to standardize everything): * __ [Territory flooded in 2017 and 2019] ( * __ [Special intervention zone of 2017-2019 (from which territories covered by a ministerial decree are excluded)] ( * __Mapping of flood zones identified by the MRCs and represented in the Provincial Land Use Portrait (PPAT) .__ For more details about the PPAT, consult the following page: __ [Application Territories - Provincial Land Use Portrait (PPAT)] ( 7c7fd9d90b03614c26746b08dcacd725d 4% 7c8705e97737814f4790e1c84c8b884da 1% 7C 0% 7C 0% 7C 0% 7C 0% 7C 7C 638546b08dcacd725d 4% 7c8705e937814f4790e1c84c8b884da 1% 7C 0% 7C 0% 7C 0% 7C 0% 7C 0% 7C 0% 7C 63857546b08dcacd725d 4% 7C8Fd9D9D90E1C84C8B884Da 1% 7C 0% 7C 0% 7C 0% 7C 0% 7C 0% 7C 0% 7C 63857546b08dcacd725d 4% qijoiv2lumZIILcjbtii6ik1hawwilcjxvci6mn 0% 3D%7C 0% 7C%7C%7C&sdata=tsgexwjv5p4mjvcdskitg22tgijra98zxkgjfrqafs 8% 3D&reserved=0) __ For information, the __ [Transitional Flood Area Management Regulation, of shores and coastline] ( is in force since March 1, 2022. Under the __ [Transitional Regulation] (, the flood zones in question are, with some exceptions, the boundaries established according to the most recent maps or flood ratings as of March 25, 2021, including territories flooded by spring floods in 2017 or 2019. The interactive map and the data are provided for information purposes only and have no legal value. It presents a standardized grid that identifies sectors for which information on flood zones is available (flood zone maps, flood ratings, etc.). __You must always check the information and regulations in force with the MRC or the municipality in question. __**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    # #Données related to the monitoring of the 2019 floods in Quebec __Attention: water extent data is a near real-time interpretation of satellite data; they were produced in operational mode and are provided as is without exhaustive validation. The product may contain errors, especially in urban areas.__ ## #Liste of available data: * the monitoring of flood and landslide events between April 14, 2019 and May 28, 2019 in geolocated points (web service and download), * municipalities affected by flood events between April 14, 2019 and May 28, 2019, updated in real time with the event layer (web service); * the boundaries of extent of open waters generated by Natural Resources Canada, derived from data Radarsat 2 satellites or other radar satellites and those generated by Dromedaire Géo-Innovations, derived from Sentinel satellite data (web service and download), * flood limits for the Chaudière River sector derived from heliborne data (web service and download) * satellite images in the visible and near infrared on the most severely affected areas (web service and download when possible). * acquired oblique images on April 29 on the Ottawa River and the greater region of Montreal as part of the National Aerial Surveillance Program (link to the application of the Federal Government Operations Center) All data are also available on an interactive map based on IGO2. ## #Note: Radarsat-2 satellite acquisitions are planned in collaboration with Natural Resources Canada. Access to radar satellites from other Canadian space agencies is possible thanks to the activation of the International Space and Major Disaster Charter. It is activated by Public Safety Canada. The images obtained via the international charter are processed by the emergency geomatics services of Natural Resources Canada as soon as possible and then the open water polygons are disseminated as open data on Data Canada and on Data Quebec. Other optical or radar acquisitions may have been obtained by the Ministry of Public Security (MSP) from private suppliers. The Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 acquisitions released in open data by the European Space Agency (ESA) were processed by the firm Dromadaire-Geo-Innovations.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    Delimitation of territories for which a ministerial order has been published in the Official Gazette of Quebec in order to exempt them from the application of the regulations provided for in the territory of the ZIS. Territories other than those shown may be subtracted later. For more information on the mapping of flood zones in Quebec, consult the information available on the Ministry's website using the following link:**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    This layer shows the delimitation of the perimeter of the 2017-2019 flooded area found in Annex 2 of the decree called “Declaration of a special intervention zone in order to promote better management of flood zones”. This zone was created using a variety of data sources presenting the 2017 and 2019 flooded areas. For more information on the mapping of flood zones in Quebec, consult the Information available on the Ministry's website using the following link:**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    The map brings together data on wave breaking during the High Tides in December 2010. Purpose: To report on the situation during the High Tides in December 2010.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    The Ministry of Public Security (MSP) supports the development of knowledge of flood risks. Flood markers make it possible to illustrate the water level reached during a very major flood and thus to raise public awareness of the risks associated with it while maintaining this awareness of risk in the collective memory. __What is a flood marker? __ A flood mark is a physical mark (15 cm in diameter for the standard) testifying to the maximum level reached by a watercourse during a very significant flood on a given date. The flood marker is usually located at a permanent location and is easily visible to everyone, for example on the wall of a building or on a dedicated pole. __Point data set “Flood references” __ The point data set “Flood markers” contains, for each coordinate system, the location, the date of the reference flood and the maximum water level reached. The list of all attributes is provided in the dataset description sheet (Additional Information section). The “Water levels during a flood” dataset produced by the Ministry of Public Security also contains maximum water levels reached during a flood. The link to this dataset is provided in the _Documentation_ section. Despite the quality of the work carried out, the Ministry of Public Security cannot guarantee the absence of errors in the data.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**