beam trawl
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These data sets provide information pertaining to abundant taxa including bottom-dwelling shrimp and fish along trawling and trapping transects in Simoom Sound at November, 2000, and February, 2001. Data sets were compiled and formatted by Meagan Mak. Abstract from report: This study is a component of a larger project designed to compare the effects of shrimp trawling and trapping gear on shrimp, fish and the benthic habitat of Simoom Sound located in Broughton Archipelago, British Columbia, Canada. Otter-trawling, beam-trawling, and trapping took place in three distinct experiment blocks of the central seabed of the Sound. In turn, each block consisted of replicate transects, where a towed submersible video-camera surveyed shrimp and fish before and after trawling. Video surveys were deployed only before trapping. From the video surveys, we determined the abundance of common shrimp taxa and fish.