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This layer contains point features that represent the locations of exploration trenches in New Brunswick. Geological data collected in exploration trenches are useful for mineral exploration and bedrock mapping. These data were compiled using archived mineral assessment reports of work (1950s to present), mining lease documents, and other sources. Data accuracy is variable depending on the source.
ECO - Business and economic (economy) Economic activities or employment. For example, resources describing labor; revenue; commerce; industry; tourism and ecotourism; forestry; fisheries; commercial or subsistence hunting; and exploration and exploitation of resources, such as minerals, oil, and gas.
This dataset is populated and maintained b y the Minerals Branch of Yukon Geological Survey. The collect and compile yearly highlights of mining and exploration activity in Yukon. For questions related to the dataset, please contact geology@yukon.ca . *A project size is defined as large / small by expenditures over / under $500,000 CAD that year. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information: geomatics.help@yukon.ca
ECO - Business and economic (economy) Economic activities or employment. For example, resources describing labor; revenue; commerce; industry; tourism and ecotourism; forestry; fisheries; commercial or subsistence hunting; and exploration and exploitation of resources, such as minerals, oil, and gas.
European Datum 1950(ED50) is the de facto and de jure geographic coordinate reference system for petroleum industry licencing and operation on the Norwegian continental shelf. The basic input data to this wms service is defined in this Datum, transformations to Euref89 (WGS84) is done on the fly in the server. As the oficially agreed transformations is rather complex, we have choosen a seven parameter vector which gives the smallest overall error |dX| < 1.8m |dY|< 1.7m South of 62 deg N and |dX|< 6.0m |dY|< 2.6m north of 62 deg N.
European Datum 1950(ED50) is the de facto and de jure geographic coordinate reference system for petroleum industry licencing and operation on the Norwegian continental shelf. The basic input data to this wms service is defined in this Datum, transformations to Euref89 (WGS84) is done on the fly in the server. As the oficially agreed transformations is rather complex, we have choosen a seven parameter vector which gives the smallest overall error |dX| < 1.8m |dY|< 1.7m South of 62 deg N and |dX|< 6.0m |dY|< 2.6m north of 62 deg N.
European Datum 1950(ED50) is the de facto and de jure geographic coordinate reference system for petroleum industry licencing and operation on the Norwegian continental shelf. The basic input data to this wms service is defined in this Datum, transformations to Euref89 (WGS84) is done on the fly in the server. As the oficially agreed transformations is rather complex, we have choosen a seven parameter vector which gives the smallest overall error |dX| < 1.8m |dY|< 1.7m South of 62 deg N and |dX|< 6.0m |dY|< 2.6m north of 62 deg N.