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British Columbia Digital Geology is the data source used for the seamless province-wide, up-to-date, and detailed bedrock geology. The bedrock geology is standardized with consistent stratigraphic code and geometries, and integrates all details of compilations from 1:50,000 to 1:250,000. The latest release (Open File 2017-8) is maintained by a geospatial frame data model, which consists of attributed geological contacts and faults as linework, and outcrops or centroids as points attributed with bedrock information. Techniques are used to simplify the integration process and shorten the timeframe from field mapping, compilation, integration, to data delivery. The release also contains: tables for geological units and colours; ESRI layer files containing bedrock colour symbols; and a map of British Columbia illustrating the suggested colour theme for the bedrock polygons. Related data sets are Geology Faults and Quaternary Alluvium and Cover. Bedrock Geology is interactive with other geoscience data on MapPlace and MapPlace 2 and is available for download in shapefile format.
This digital product is a digital version of Published Map ME 2000-01, Geological Map of the Province of Nova Scotia, compiled by J. D. Keppie, 2000. The digital product was created by Geoscience and Mines Branch staff. The original data was compiled and digitized from over 60 maps and sources of information that are noted on the map. The GIS databases were developed from the information contained on this map. The digital product contains layers for geological features such as: bedrock geologic units, faults, geological contacts, isotope ages, other geological features.