water quantity
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Volumes of water taken daily and annually under a Permit-to-Take-Water, as reported to the ministry under the Water Taking and Transfer Regulation 387/04. The Ontario Water Resources Act (Act) requires anyone who takes more than 50,000 litres of water in a day to obtain a Permit to take Water (PTTW) with some exceptions. Under the Act, the Water Taking and Transfer Regulation requires all holders of a PTTW to report the volume of water taken at each permitted source for each day of water taking. The data includes information from the permit on the purpose of the water taking, water source types and locations, as well as the daily and annual volume of water taken from each source.
This project combines water quality (ENVIRODAT) and water quantity (HYDAT) data to compute annual chemical loads in Pacific and Yukon Region. Chemical loads are estimated based on several statistical estimators. A module has been developed to guide which statistical estimators is used to predict annual chemical loads for a given location. Chemical loads are estimated where water quantity and quality stations are co-located. This project enhances the use of water quality and quantity data, and increases the abilities of the individuals to predict the loading estimates of chemicals. It provides direct access to integrated data and information at the station level. This loading estimates information can then be used to as the input to models such as nutrients and sediment transport to provide further water quality and/or water quantity information at the regional level. This project also provides OGC compliant Web Mapping Service layers for both water quality and quantity stations in Pacific and Yukon Region. Through these layers, users can easily get access to both annual loading estimates and real-time or archived hydrometric data. A number of web services are also made available for users to download station level metadata, water quality and quantity data.