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    This file contains output from ensemble. Contains vertical profiles and cross sections.

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    This file contains output from Control member. Contains most forecast parameters on surface, model level and pressure levels The Norwegian Meteorological Institute has provided forecasts of the weather in the High North for a long time. Our Development Centre for Weather Forecasting has developed a high-resolution model that forecasts the weather in this area for the next three days. The model is called AROME-Arctic and has been running since November 15th, 2015. The geographic resolution is 2.5 kilometres, which is the same as in the model that the Norwegian Meteorological Institute uses to forecast the weather elsewhere in Norway. AROME-Arctic gives a detailed representation of processes on the ground and in the atmosphere. In addition to Svalbard and northern Norway, the model also covers a large area of sea, which is a challenge due to the sparsity of observations. Thus, satellite observations are particularly important for this model.

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    This file contains prediction of track of polar lows over the first 42 hours.

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    Met Norway's operational numerical wave model MyWaveWam is run on a 4 km grid covering Europe and the Arctic. The model is run twice daily with ECMWF and AROME atmospheric forcing to give forecasts to +66 hrs

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    AROME-Arctic is a convection-permitting deterministic atmosphere ensemble model covering Svalbard, the Norwegian and Barents Seas. It is run in operational routine at Meteorologisk institutt (MET Norway). The model code is the same framework as MEPS; based on HARMONIE cy38h1.2. HARMONIE (Hirlam Aladin Regional/Meso-scale Operational NWP In Europe) is a cooperation including Meteo-France and their Aladin partners, the Hirlam group and also ECMWF with their IFS (Integrated Forecasting System) model. HARMONIE-AROME is a particular configuration of the Harmonie system suited for the highest resolutions. The version currently used is based on cycle 38h1.2. This model version is described in Muller et al. (2017). A major upgrade from cy38h1.2 to cy40h1.1 for AROME-Arctic is planned by 3rd quarter 2017. Cy40h1.1 is described by Bengtsson et al. (2017) and the most important change is a new treatment of the turbulent processes giving less low clouds and fog in the latest model version. AROME-Arctic has horizontal resolution of 2.5 km and has 65 vertical levels. It is ran up to 66 hours four times daily (00,06,12,18) with three-hourly cycling for data assimilation (3D-VAR). Lateral boundary data is from ECMWF HRES. The model system is routinely evaluated against observed weather and quarterly summaries for Norway are published at From termin time (00, 06, 12 and 18UTC) we use XXhr and XXminutes to receive and process all available observations, approximately XX minutes to run the AROME-Arctic system on the High Performance Computer capacity and the rest of the time to post-process forecast parameters further and process and distribute all data.

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    A compliant implementation of WMS plus most of the SLD extension (dynamic styling). Can also generate PDF, SVG, KML, GeoRSS

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    The map shows where the ice edge is now, meaning the boundary between solid ice and floating ice. The Norwegian Meteorological Institute updates the map every working day, Monday to Friday.