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    3D topographic representation of the territory in the form of a point cloud. LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology makes it possible to represent the Earth's surface topographically in three dimensions using a laser system mounted on board an aircraft. The very large number of 3D points recorded (up to 400,000 per second) makes it possible to obtain a multitude of details at the level of the ground and surface elements. LiDAR technology quickly, easily, and above all accurately provides the altitude of ground details and elements above ground, even in the presence of dense vegetation. The uses are: creation of a digital terrain model (DTM), creation of level curves, creation of level curves, volume calculation, planning, calculation of tree heights, mapping of building roofs, 3D modeling of cities, etc. Source: XEOS imagery inc.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    ###**New aerial images released for free! **### All orthophotographic mosaics produced since 2002, in order to meet the needs related to the ecoforest inventory of southern Quebec (IEQM), are now available as open data. For more information on this product, please refer to the fact sheet ** [Historic Airborne Forest Imagery] ( **. To download them, please consult the ** [download map] ( **. **** Orthophotographic mosaics present an aerial view of Quebec territory at different times. Each image has been analytically straightened to eliminate inaccuracies caused by the camera being tilted at the time of shooting or by the image being moved due to terrain. These collections are the result of governmental and regional initiatives, namely: * The Ecoforest Inventory of Southern Quebec (IEQM) * Partnerships between ministries, agencies and municipal communities Their download is free, as they were acquired under an open data license (** [Creative Commons 4.0] ( **). Three formats are available depending on the territory: JPEG 2000, ECW and GeoTIFF. For product ownership information (resolution, image type, etc.), please refer to the information for each mosaic available in the ** [download card] ( **. For more information on priced aerial imagery, please consult the sheet ** [aerial imagery] ( ** in the “Maps and Geographic Information” section of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources website.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    [IS] Náttúrufræðistofnun heldur utan um kontrólpunkta sem er settir niður til að staðsetja loftmyndir. Í flestum tilfellum er um ræða hvíta ferningar sem eru 60x60 sm, en á jöklum eru þeir bleikir. Þar sem ekki er hægt að setja niður kontólpunkta í formi ferninga er miðað við aðra fasta punkta í landslaginu. X, Y nákvæmni: 2-3 sm Hæðarnákvæmni: 3-5 sm Fitjueigindir, útskýringar: efni_raun: Lýsir gerð punktsins (Náttúrulegur punktur, Gúmmímotta, Málað, Suðuplast, Bleik plata). Eiginleiki mynd sýnir hvað er mælt, almennt miðjan á hlutnum nema annað sé tekið fram á myndinni. austur_maelt: Austur-hnit í ISN2016 EPSG:8088 nordur_maelt: Norður-hnit í ISN2016 EPSG:8088 ish_haed_maelt: ish2004 hæð sporvolu_haed_maelt: Hæð yfir ellipsoíð dagsetning_maelt: Mælingardagur mynd: Hlekkur á mynd af punktinum (ef tiltækt) maeli_adferd: Mæliaðferð, hvort sem er RTK eða FastStatic [EN] This dataset contains ground control points placed by the Icelandic Institute for Nature Research that can be used for aerial imagery geolocation. Normally white squares of 60x60cm or natural objects or pink squares 60x60cm on glaciers. X, Y Precision: 2-3 cm Elevation precision: 3-5 cm Properties description: efni_raun: describes the type of point (Natual point, Rubber mat, Painted, Welded plastic, Pink plate), the property mynd shows what is measured, generally the center of the object if not indicated differently in the image. austur_maelt: easting in ISN2016 EPSG:8088 nordur_maelt: northing in ISN2016 EPSG:8088 ish_haed_maelt: ish2004 elevation sporvolu_haed_maelt: ellipsoidal height dagsetning_maelt: date of measurement mynd: link to the image of the point (if available) maeli_adferd: Measurement method if RTK or FastStatic

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    Orthophotographs of the administrative region of Chaudière-Appalaches, produced in spring 2020**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    * These mosaics are the result of an assembly of orthophotographs produced in spring 2022 and 2023. Each image has been positioned geographically taking into account the effect of the relief. * These mosaics are the result of regional partnerships. Their download is free, as they were acquired under an open data license (Creative Commons 4.0). * The territory covers the MRCs of Antoine-Labelle, Argenteuil, the Laurentides, the Pays d'en Haut and the Rivière du Nord. * Two formats are available: JPEG 2000 associated with a division by regional county municipality (MRC). * The resolution Spatial is 20 cm. * The image type is natural color.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**