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    The purpose of this dataset is to make it possible to locate civil security events recorded by the Operations Department of the Ministry of Public Security. It brings together in a structured way operational information related to claims that have had an impact on citizens, goods or services to the population since June 2020. It contains information concerning the date of reporting, the hazard, the municipality and the severity of the event.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    The purpose of this dataset is to locate the events related to the spring 2023 floods recorded by the Deputy Directorate General of Operations of the Ministry of Public Security. All data is available on an interactive map and available as WMS and WFS web services. > To monitor the status of watercourses live, please refer to the [Vigilance - Flood Monitoring] application ( ### List of available data: * **List of available data: * **Open water polygons derived from satellite data**: extent limits of open water derived from radar satellite images**: extent limits of open water derived from radar satellite images**: extent limits of open water derived from radar satellite images**. Location of flood events since April 14, 2023**: points locating approximately the flood events recorded by the Operations Directorate of the Ministry of Public Security as of April 14, 2023 (derived from the dataset [Civil Security Events] ( * **Municipalities affected by flood events since April 14, 2023**: cartographic representation of municipalities affected by flooding events since April 14, 2023. * **Sentinel-2 satellite image**: satellite image covering sectors flooded and presented in the form of a colored compound using short band infrared, near infrared and red wavelengths. ## #Note: Satellite acquisitions for the RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) are planned in collaboration with Natural Resources Canada. The images obtained are processed by the emergency geomatics services of Natural Resources Canada as soon as possible and then the open water polygons are distributed as open data on Data Canada and on Data Quebec. Other optical or radar acquisitions may have been obtained by the Ministry of Public Security (MSP) from private suppliers. The Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 acquisitions released in open data by the European Space Agency (ESA) were processed by the Dromedaire Géo-Innovations firm.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**