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This is a spatial layer showing Ministry of Forests Free Use Permits. These are permits issued by the Ministry that authorize the permittee to cut and use Crown timber without charge. The permit is confined to a small area and for short durations of time.
A spatial representation for non-road special use permits
This is a spatial layer showing Ministry of Forests Radio Communication Sites. Communication Sites are physical land locations containing structures and equipment which provide two or one-way voice and or data wireless communications to field staff or for operational activities
The spatial representation of a Forest Stewardship Plan and Forest Development Units. A Forest Stewardship Plan is a plan submitted by a forest industry licensee stating how the BC Government's objectives for managing the province's forest resources will be met. It identifies the plan-holder's obligations for a five-year period. The Forest Development Unit is the spatially-mapped area of land within a Forest Stewardship Plan where specific forest practices obligations apply to specific forest licensees.
This is a spatial layer showing Ministry of Forests Map Notation Points. These are the the point spatial representation for a notation on the Forest Atlas which records the area of interest of other government agencies and individuals
A cross reference table that allows for the relationship between a Forest Development Unit and a forest licence. An FDU may contain many licences, and a licence may be included in many FDUs
The spatial representation for the areas that have been eliminated from a timber licence
This data set contains a small sub-set of the WHSE_FOREST_TENURE.FTEN_RECREATION_POLY_SVW layer, in point form, with minimal attribution for the purpose of displaying a select set of high value recreation sites. For access to complete listing of Forest Recreation sites please use [Recreation Polygons WHSE_FOREST_TENURE.FTEN_RECREATION_POLY_SVW](http://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/263338a7-93ee-49c1-83e8-13f0bde70833)
Licensees who hold Forest Stewardship Plan agreements
Uniquely identifies a 75 metre wide road tenure. This layer uses the centre line from the application and is buffered 37.5 metres either side. This layer does not represent the actual road on the ground. It represents where the application area is