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The purpose of this feature class is to identify the individual annual allowable cut and annual limit areas as referred to in the Forest Resources Act subsection 20(2) and 31(10 of the Forest Resources Regulation). Where there is no approved Forest Resources Management Plan (FRMP) for an area, forest resources harvesting can only be authorized in an amount less than that prescribed by regulation for that area. The Forest Resources Regulation subsection 31(1) establishes the annual limits for harvesting timber resources for areas without an FRMP. These areas are referred to as the Annual Limit Regions in Schedule 1 of the Regulation titled Timber Harvesting Areas. These annual limits are set as the annual allowable cut for each of the areas, until such time as a Forest Resources Management Plan is approved for that area. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information: geomatics.help@yukon.ca
The purpose of this feature class is to identify the individual annual allowable cut and annual limit areas as referred to in the Forest Resources Act subsection 20(2) and 31(10 of the Forest Resources Regulation). Where there is no approved Forest Resources Management Plan (FRMP) for an area, forest resources harvesting can only be authorized in an amount less than that prescribed by regulation for that area. The Forest Resources Regulation subsection 31(1) establishes the annual limits for harvesting timber resources for areas without an FRMP. These areas are referred to as the Annual Limit Regions in Schedule 1 of the Regulation titled Timber Harvesting Areas. These annual limits are set as the annual allowable cut for each of the areas, until such time as a Forest Resources Management Plan is approved for that area.
RESULTS Openings are administrative boundaries for areas harvested with silviculture obligations or natural disturbances with intended forest management activities on Crown Land. The RESULTS openings_svw is a spatial view made up of a number of tables containing information on disturbance dates, generalized bec, forest district, opening category, opening status, previous tree species, opening gross area, average slope, average elevation, aspect, along with maximum and minimum elevation values, and many more fields.
Information about the hauling permission for a timber tenure. For some Road Permits and Licences to Cut, no hauling permission is granted.
This is a spatial layer that reflects operational activities for harvesting authorities. The harvesting authority is a legal area cleared by the Ministry of Forests and Range (that is, no other claims for the land exist) for harvesting purposes. This corresponds to the outlined areas on the Exhibit A maps. The Forest Tenures Section (FTS) is responsible for the creation and maintenance of digital Forest Atlas files for the province of British Columbia encompassing Forest and Range Act Tenures. It also supports the forest resources programs delivered by the MoFR. Each feature contains a Ministry of Forests and Range (MoFR) FEATURE_CLASS_SKEY (number) column that further defines the type of that feature. The layer contains harvesting authority boundaries for the following feature classes: Christmas Tree Permit (489), Forest Licence Cutting Permit (556), Licence to Cut (615), Timber Licence Cutting Permit (811), Timber Sale Licence Major Cutting Permit (818), Timber Sale Licence Minor (819), Tree Farm Licence Cutting Permit (834), WoodLot Licence Cutting Permit (864), Timber Sale Licence Minor Cutting Permit (917), and Community Forest Cutting Permit (2401). Each harvesting authority has a life cycle status code that is either PENDING - the harvesting authority has been submitted as a new harvesting authority or an amendment, but is not yet approved or rejected, ACTIVE - the harvesting authority is approved and activities may be taking place on the harvesting authority, or RETIRED - all activities have been completed for the harvesting authority
This layer contains attribute Opening information only and can be used in conjunction with other layers. RESULTS Openings is an administrative boundary that has been harvested with reforestation obligations or natural disturbance with intended forest management on Crown Land. This is a part of the Silviculture and Land Status dataset, which includes tracking achievmeent of silviculture obligations on Crown Land. Non-spatial attribute data delivered in CSV format
Spatial location of all harvesting identified in the first 10 years of 2012 Forest Management Plans for Crown timber licenses. Blocks are identified by broad treatment category and by the period (2012-2016 and 2017-2022) they are available for harvest.
An opening's disturbance and silviculture activities reported into RESULTS. Most activities are within opening boundaries with the exception of broadcast treatments. An opening may have more than one activities associated with it. Activities may also overlap each other. Reporting of disturbance and silviculture attribute information is a mandatory requirement while the map is optional. This is part of the Silviculture and Land status Tracking dataset, which includes tracking harvesting and silviculture obligations on Crown Land
Distribution of clam beds in coastal Beds in British Columbia showing relative abundance (RA) and aboriginal, biological, commercial and recreational relative importance (RI) and overall RI. RI is based on project region and not on the province as a whole. and productivity. Other attributes include season dates, productivity and species. CRIMS is a legacy dataset of BC coastal resource data that was acquired in a systematic and synoptic manner from 1979 and was intermittently updated throughout the years. Resource information was collected in nine study areas using a peer-reviewed provincial Resource Information Standards Committee consisting of DFO Fishery Officers, First Nations, and other subject matter experts. There are currently no plans to update this legacy data.
Mule deer habitat management zones and associated timber harvest opportunities within mule deer winter range in the Cariboo Region.