

120 record(s)
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    Forest cover polygons interpreted from aerial imagery on a 10 year cycle for the province of New Brunswick. The attributes contain information that describes the stand characteristics for that polygon area.

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    The dataset contains information relating to forestry-related trades education, associations, education, innovation, education/macro-credentials, institutions, and research.

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    Forest disturbances mapped primarily by the annual provincial aerial overview survey are recorded as polygons. Each polygon is labelled by the year of survey, forest health factor (disturbance agent), severity class and host. Aerial survey data standards are provided on the web at

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    Forest disturbances mapped primarily by the annual provincial aerial overview survey are recorded as polygons or spots (point data). This data set represents the spot (point) data. Each spot is labelled by the year of survey, forest health factor (disturbance agent), severity class, area, numbers of trees estimated in the spot, and host. Aerial survey data standards are provided on the web at

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    Licensees who hold Forest Stewardship Plan agreements

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    This is a spatial layer showing Ministry of Forests Free Use Permits. These are permits issued by the Ministry that authorize the permittee to cut and use Crown timber without charge. The permit is confined to a small area and for short durations of time.

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    This is a spatial layer showing Ministry of Forests Map Notation Lines. These are the linear spatial representation for a notation on the Forest Atlas which records the area of interest of other government agencies and individuals

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    This is a spatial layer showing Ministry of Forests Map Notation Points. These are the the point spatial representation for a notation on the Forest Atlas which records the area of interest of other government agencies and individuals

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    Uniquely identifies a 75 metre wide road tenure. This layer uses the centre line from the application and is buffered 37.5 metres either side. This layer does not represent the actual road on the ground. It represents where the application area is

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    This is a spatial layer showing Ministry of Forests Map Notation Lines. These are the spatial representation of the polygonal geometry for FSR Dedications and FSR Gravel Pits