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    PURPOSE: These data have been updated following a Canadian Science Advice Secretariat (CSAS) Regional Science Advisory Process. Associated publications are available in the citation section below or will be posted on the Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Science Advisory Schedule as they become available. DESCRIPTION: Provide a record of commercial and mature female snow crab abundance and biomass in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. Female snow crab represents an index of reproductive stock. Snow crab in the southern Gulf are treated as a single stock in the annual assessments. Abundance and biomass estimates for the commercial and female reproductive stock are produced using kriging, a type of spatial analysis. The time series starts in 1997. USE LIMITATION: To ensure scientific integrity and appropriate use of the data, we would encourage you to contact the data custodian.

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    PURPOSE: Trawl survey data used primarily for assessing the status of snow crab stocks in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. DESCRIPTION: Tow, catch, and biological information for snow crab and other species caught during the annual snow crab research vessel trawl survey in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. PARAMETERS COLLECTED: Snow crab: sex, carapace width, height of male crab claw, shell condition, gonad colour, egg colour, eggs remaining, and missing legs. Other species: counts, and weights Other: GPS coordinates; swept area; depth; temperature; CTD profile; NOTES ON QUALITY CONTROL: Data are checked for irregularities and errors. SAMPLING METHODS: The snow crab bottom trawl survey employs a spatial sampling design that divides the survey area into 355 square grids, each measuring 12.7 km by 12.7 km. Sampling stations are trawled during civil twilight hours using a Bigouden Nephrops bottom trawl net. The vessel operates at a target speed of 2 knots for a duration of 5 minutes, maintaining a warp-to-depth ratio of 3:1, with a maximum warp length of 575 fathoms. Survey catches are sorted by species or taxonomic groups and measured directly on board. USE LIMITATION: To ensure scientific integrity and appropriate use of the data, we would encourage you to contact the data custodian.

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    Since 1991, an annual fishery-independent acoustic survey of early fall (September-October) concentrations of Herring has been conducted in the sGSL. The standard annual survey area occurs in the 4Tmno areas where both NAFO Div. 4T Herring spawning components aggregate in the fall. The survey uses a random stratified design of parallel transects within predefined strata. Surveys are conducted at night and use two vessels: an acoustic vessel to quantify the fish schools biomass using a hull-mounted 120 KHz split-beam transducer, and a fishing vessel to sample aggregates of fish with a pelagic trawl (details in LeBlanc et al. 2015; see also LeBlanc and Dale 1996). Trawl samples are used to separate the estimated biomass by spawning component and age, determine species composition, and size distribution for the estimation of the target strength (LeBlanc and Dale 1996; LeBlanc et al. 2015). A standardized abundance index is generated from this acoustic survey. This index includes catch-at-age data since 1994. This survey also provides the age-disaggregated acoustic abundance index for ages 2 to 10 for spring spawners and fall spawners.

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    PURPOSE: These data have been updated following a Canadian Science Advice Secretariat (CSAS) Regional Science Advisory Process. Associated publications are available in the citation section below or will be posted on the Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Science Advisory Schedule as they become available. Estimate the abundance of Striped bass spawners in the Northwest Miramichi estuary. DESCRIPTION: Spawner abundance estimates of Striped Bass in the Northwest Miramichi estuary based on Catch per unit effort (CPUE) analysis in the commercial gaspereau fishery. USE LIMITATION: To ensure scientific integrity and appropriate use of the data, we would encourage you to contact the data custodian.

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    Total returns estimates of large and small salmon from SFA 15 to 18 and to Gulf region rivers as part of the stock assessment to year 2021.

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    In 2015, a spawning ground acoustic survey that follows the design of the fishery-independent acoustic survey was initiated. This survey is the result of a partnership between DFO and fishery associations. The survey design uses random parallel transects within predefined strata. Surveys are conducted by fishermen in the fall fishing season according to protocols developed by DFO. The survey is conducted at night, during the weekend fishery closures except in Herring fishing area 16C and 16E in 2015 to 2017, where this region didn’t have weekend closures. The spawning ground acoustic survey is meant to provide a nightly estimate of spawning biomass among regions. It is analyzed in the same manner as the fishery-independent acoustic survey. The catches from the experimental nets are used to calibrate the spawning group specific target strength in order to obtain the nightly estimates of spawning biomass.