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    Nekton assemblages in Zostera marina beds and adjacent bare soft-sediments were sampled on the south and eastern shore of Nova Scotia. Sampling gear used were visual snorkel transects and a benthic beam trawl. Fish were identified and size either measured (trawl) or estimated in situ (snorkel transects). Surveys were conducted in mid-July to Aug in summer of 2013 and 2014 across multiple sampling sites. Multiple replicate transects were conducted at each site. Raw abundances from observations were transformed into young of year (YOY) equivalent abundance, and then into density of each species calibrated to account for the sampling equipment and day/night differences. Cite this data as: Wong, M. C. Data of: Fish and large decapods in eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds on the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, Canada. Published: April 2020. Coastal Ecosystems Science Division, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Dartmouth, N.S.

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    Nearshore marine construction activities often involve projects conducted directly in or adjacent to eelgrass beds and can have detrimental effects on eelgrass health, through physical destruction of beds, smothering of plants by sediment, and light reduction from turbidity. A liquefied natural gas (LNG) marine terminal is proposed to be constructed near Goldboro in Isaacs Harbour on the Eastern shore of Nova Scotia in an area where sediments are contaminated with heavy metals from historical goldmining tailings. We conducted a pre-impact assessment of the eelgrass beds in Isaacs Harbour and in adjacent contaminated and non-contaminated harbours. We used underwater video to precisely map the eelgrass bed in the direct construction footprint in Isaacs Harbour. We surveyed 169 stations along ~40 km of coastline from Wine Harbour to New Harbour to identify eelgrass presence or absence in the nearby region and provide data on the distribution and abundance of other sensitive fish habitat such as kelp and other macrophytes. Sediment samples were collected and analyzed for grain size, organic matter content and heavy metal contamination. We also collected eelgrass plants to assess plant condition using morphological and physiological metrics, and heavy metal contamination in plant tissues. The overall condition of eelgrass plants in the surveyed area fell within the range of healthy plant characteristics (morphometrics and carbohydrates reserves) seen elsewhere along the Atlantic coast. However, a few stations displayed high arsenic and mercury contamination in sediments, which translated in some cases to high contamination in eelgrass rhizomes and leaves. There would be significant risk of impact on benthic habitat and contamination of marine biota from resuspension of sediments during a construction and operation of a ship terminal in Isaacs Harbour. This pre-impact assessment will allow DFO to assess the LNG terminal construction proposal and develop appropriate mitigation and monitoring procedures. Collected data will also be used for habitat-forming species distribution modeling to inform marine spatial and conservation planning. Vercaemer, B., O’Brien, J. M., Guijarro-Sabaniel, J. and Wong, M. C. 2022. Distribution and condition of eelgrass (Zostera marina) in the historical goldmining region of Goldboro, Nova Scotia. Can. Tech. Rep. Aquat. Sci. 3513: v + 67 p. Cite this data as: Vercaemer, B., O’Brien, J. M., Guijarro-Sabaniel, J., Wong, M. Data of: Eelgrass (Zostera marina) study in the historical goldmining region of Goldboro, Nova Scotia (2020). Published: February 2023. Coastal Ecosystems Science Division, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Dartmouth, N.S.

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    This dataset includes metrics of seagrass productivity and resilience collected from field sites along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, Canada. Field sites were located across a gradient of temperature and light conditions. Sampling was conducted monthly from May 2018 to July 2019. Seagrass density and plants were sampled at 10 haphazardly distributed sampling stations within each seagrass bed at approximately the same depth. Stations were ~10m apart and at least 2m from any seagrass-bare interface. Quadrats were used to determine vegetative and reproductive shoot density, and hand corers to collect seagrass above and belowground biomass. Three plants from each sampling station were also collected and processed in the laboratory for length and width leaf 3, number leaves per shoot, rhizome width, and rhizome water soluble carbohydrates. Also included in this data set are time-series records of bottom temperature at each site measured in 15-mins intervals using HOBO TidbiTv2 loggers. Cite this data as: Wong, Melisa C., and Michael Dowd. 2023. “The Role of Short-Term Temperature Variability and Light in Shaping the Phenology and Characteristics of Seagrass Beds.” Ecosphere 14(11): e4698.

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    The layer presents the information on the distribution of eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds in James Bay, Chaleur Bay, Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence according to a literature review of documents produced between 1987 and 2009. Additional Information Eelgrass's inventory was produced according to a literature review of the following documents: Calderón, I. 1996. Caractérisation de la végétation et de la faune ichtyenne de la baie de Sept-Îles. Document réalisé par la Corporation de protection de l'environnement de Sept-Îles pour Pêches et Océans Canada. 26p. + 5 annexes. Comité côtier Les Escoumins à la Rivière Betsiamites. 2004. Inventaire de localisation des bancs de zostère marine dans la zone côtière Les Escoumins à la rivière Betsiamites. 9 p. Comité ZIP Côte-Nord du Golfe. 2001. Inventaire du potentiel côtier et marin de la Basse-Côte-Nord. Version préliminaire de rapport sous forme de CD-ROM, Sept-Îles, mars 2001. Comité ZIP de la rive nord de l’estuaire. 2008. Guide d’intervention en matière de protection et de mise en valeur des habitats littoraux d’intérêt de la rive nord de l’estuaire maritime (fiches 14 à 20). 8 p. + 7 fiches + annexe. Conseil Régional de l’Environnement Gaspésie et des Îles-de-la-Madeleine (2004). Inventaire et étude des bancs de zostère marine sur le territoire couvert par les comités de gestion intégrée de la zone côtière de l’Est du Québec. CONSORTIUM GAUTHIER & GUILLEMETTE - G.R.E.B.E. 1992. Description et cartographie des habitats côtiers de la Baie de Hannah jusqu'à la rivière au Castor. Rapport présenté à Hydro-Québec, Complexe Nottaway-Broadback-Rupert (NBR), Vol. 2, Annexe cartographique. Giguère, M., C. Duluc, S. Brulotte, F. Hazel, S. Pereira et M. Gaudet. 2006. Inventaire d’une population d'huître américaine (Crassostrea virginica) dans le Bassin aux Huîtres aux Îles-de-la-Madeleine en 2005. Rapport manuscrit. vi + 21 p. Grant, C. et L. Provencher, 2007. Caractérisation de l’habitat et de la faune des herbiers de Zostera marina (L.) de la péninsule de Manicouagan (Québec). Rapp. tech. can. sci. halieut. aquat. 2772 : viii + 65 p. Groupe Environnement Littoral. 1992. Complexe NBR. La zostère marine. Rapport présenté à la vice-présidence Environnement d'Hydro-Québec. 9 p. + 2 cartes. Harvey, C. et D. Brouard. 1992. Étude exploratoire du barachois de Chandler: aspects biophysiques et contamination. Rapport présenté à Environnement Canada, Direction de la protection de l'environnement région du Québec. 39 p. et annexes. Hazel, François, 2002. Données de terrain prises par F. Hazel, Septembre 2002. Ellefsen, H.-F. 2009. Communication personnelle de Hans-Frédéric Ellefsen (MPO). Jacquaz et coll. 1990. Étude biophysique de l'habitat du poisson de quatre barachois de la baie des Chaleurs. Kedney, G. et P. Kaltenback. 1996. Acquisition de connaissances et mise en valeur des habitats du banc de Portneuf. Document réalisé par la firme Pro Faune pour le Comité touristique de Rivière-Portneuf. 50 pages et 5 annexes. Lalumière, R. 1987. Répartition de la zostère marine (Zostera marina) sur la côte est de la baie James; été 1987. Rapport produit par Gilles Shooner et Associés inc. pour la Société d’énergie de la Baie James. 30 p. et annexes. Lalumière, R., L. Belzile et C. Lemieux. 1992. Étude de la zostère marine le long de la côte nord-est de la baie James (été 1991). Rapport présenté au Service écologie de la SEBJ. 31 p. + carte. Leblanc, J. 2002. Communication personnelle de Judith Leblanc (MPO). Lemieux, C. 1995. Acquisition de connaissances des habitats côtiers dans la région de Rimouski (1995). Rapport du Groupe-Conseil GENIVAR présenté au Ministère des Pêches et des Océans du Canada, Division de la Gestion de l’Habitat du Poisson, 52 pages + 2 annexes. Lemieux, C. et R. Lalumière. 1995. Acquisition de connaissances des habitats côtiers du barachois de Saint-Omer. Rap. du Groupe conseil Genivar inc. pour la DGHP, MPO, 44 pages + 3 ann. Martel, Marie-Claude, Lizon Provencher, Cindy Grant, Hans-Frédéric Ellefsen et Selma Pereira, 2009. Distribution and description of eelgrass beds in Québec. Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat, Research Document 2009/050. 45p. Morin, D. 2009. Communication personnelle de Danièle Morin (MRNF). Naturam Environnement. 1999. Caractérisation biophysique, socio-économique et détermination des enjeux dans un secteur potentiel pour l’identification d’une zone de protection marine pilote: portion ouest de la MRC Manicouagan. Baie-Comeau. 311 p. Pelletier, Claudel. 2003. Communication personnelle de Claudel Pelletier, FAPAQ, lettre en date du 24 février 2003. Pereira, S. 2009. Communication personnelle de Selma Pereira (MPO). Vaillancourt, M.-A. et C. Lafontaine. 1999. Caractérisation de la Baie Mitis. Jardins de Métis et Pêches et Océans Canada. Grand-Métis. 185 p.