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    The Youth Outreach program is a community-based program designed to improve the immediate and long-term social, educational/vocational, economic and health outcomes for vulnerable youth. Priority will be given to youth between the ages of 16 and 18 who are facing multiple challenges with limited supports.

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    Parenting Journey is a home visitation program that provides support for families experiencing complex social, emotional and familial challenges that may impact overall family functioning, parent-child relationships and the well-being and development of children/youth ages 0 to 18 plus. The Parenting Journey Program is intended to serve families with the fewest resources, facing multiple challenges, and experiencing barriers to accessing supports.

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    Family Resource Programs provide programs and services for parents and families to support the well-being and development of their children. These include parenting programs, family support, child development activities, practical supports, basic needs/resources, information, referrals, etc.