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    Wildfire location points for the current fire season. This includes both active and inactive fires. Data is supplied through various sources and is updated from the operational systems every 15 minutes. These points are rolled over to Historical Fire Points on April 1 of each year. Wildfire data may not reflect the most current fire situation, and therefore should only be used for reference purposes. Wildfire data is refreshed when practicable and individual fire update frequency will vary. The information is intended for general purposes only and should not be relied on as accurate because fires are dynamic and circumstances may change quickly.

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    Wildfire historic incident point locations for all fire seasons before the current season. Supplied through various sources. Not to be used for legal purposes. This data includes all incidents tracked by BC Wildfire Service, ie. actual fires, suspected fires, nusiance fires, smoke chases, etc. On April 1 of each year this layer is updated with the previous fire season's data

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    Wildfire perimeters for the current fire season, including both active and inactive fires, supplied from various sources. The data is refreshed from operational systems every 15 min. These perimeters are rolled over to Historical Fire Polygons on April 1 of each year Wildfire data may not reflect the most current fire situation, and therefore should only be used for reference purposes. Wildfire data is refreshed when practicable and individual fire update frequency will vary. The information is intended for general purposes only and should not be relied on as accurate because fires are dynamic and circumstances may change quickly.

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    A national map of Canadian Fire Behaviour Prediction (FBP) Fuel Types (FT) developed from public data sources. The resolution of the raster grid is 30m, classified from the Spatialized Canadian National Forest Inventory (SCANFI) dataset, ecozones of Canada, and the National Burned Area Composite (NBAC). The purpose of the dataset is to characterize Canadian forests into fuel types for use in Fire Behaviour Prediction calculations as well as for situational awareness of national fire potential.