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    This polygon dataset identifies the habitat suitability rating for Flammulated Owl (FLOW) within the Cariboo Natural Resource Region. The habitat suitability rating is based on Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification (BEC), forest age class, crown closure, tree species, harvest activity, silviculture activity, slope and aspect.

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    Five riparian classes of wetlands (W1 to W5) based on whether the wetland is a simple wetland or wetland complex, wetland size, and biogeoclimatic unit in which the wetland occurs. Wetland classification is based on the 1995 Forest Practices Code Riparian Management Area Guidebook:

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    Double line streams from FC1 assigned a stream class

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    Areas of non-productive forest land in the Cariboo Region. Includes icefields, alpine areas, rock, gravel pits, sand, clay, non-productive brush, etc. From FC1 circa 2002

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    Fish Spawning Periods for the Quesnel and Central Cariboo Forest Districts.

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    Topographic buffers within mule deer winter range in the Cariboo Region.

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    Lake summer survey sites in the Cariboo Region

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    Tourism use polygons of lakes and areas of trails

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    Douglas Fir Management for Mule Deer used in SRMP analysis

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    ####Leading Group for the Cariboo Region (pinegroup or firgroup). #### 1. IDF - Fir Group: includes all forest polygons in NDT 4 (IDF and BG biogeoclimatic zones) that meet any of the following criteria: *a) Douglas-fir ( Fd or Fdi) leading or ponderosa pine leading; *b) Lodgepole pine leading, and Douglas-fir ( Fd or Fdi) or ponderosa pine greater than 15% in any inventory layer; *c) Trembling aspen leading, and Douglas-fir ( Fd or Fdi) or Ponderosa pine greater than 15% in any inventory layer, and spruce, red-cedar, cottonwood and birch less than 6% in any inventory layer; *d) No species information in inventory data (usually NSR stands), and inventory type group for pre-harvest stand or the current stand = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 29, or 32 These inventory type groups correspond to the following species compositions F, FC, FCy, FH, FS, FPl, Fpy, FL, FDEcid, PlF and Py. If inventory type group=0 and pre-harvest inventory type is not available, classify the polygon as Pine Group. 2. IDF-Pl Group: includes all forest polygons in NDT 4 (IDF and BG biogeoclimatic zones) that do not meet the above definition for IDF-Fir Group.