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This map displays the percentage of organic matter in the surface layer of cultivated soils in the agricultural region of Alberta. Soil organic matter (SOM) is derived primarily from the decomposition of plant biomass. SOM improves both the physical and chemical properties of soil and has beneficial effects on agricultural soil quality. SOM is reported on the map as a percentage using the following classes: less than 2 (very low), 2 to 4 (low), 4 to 6 (medium), 6 to 8 (high) and greater than 8 (very high).This resource was created in 2002 using ArcGIS.
The Head Tax Permit Zone is comprised of three polygons for determining which zone a head tax permit falls in. These zones are used to apply the rental rate that forest grazing reserve permits, head tax permits (HTP), and provincial grazing reserves (GRR) are charged (Ministerial Order 01/2020).
This map displays the distribution of organic soils in the agricultural region of Alberta. Organic soils consist of layers of material with greater than 30 percent organic matter and a total thickness of greater than 40 cm. Organic soils are generally saturated with water for most of the year unless drained. Saturation inhibits decomposition and encourages continued accumulation of organic material. Drainage of these soils can result in a rapid increase in decomposition and a reduction in the thickness of the organic material. This resource was created in 2002 using ArcGIS.
This map displays an assessment of soil erosion risk for the agricultural area of Alberta. Loss of protective residue cover through cultivation will increase the potential risk of soil erosion. The vulnerability of the soil to erosion combined with the intensity of cultivation determines the degree to which the soil may be at risk. The classes shown on the map were ranked from 0 (lowest risk) to 1 (highest risk). This resource was created in 2002 using ArcGIS.
The Grazing Rental Zones is comprised of two polygons which determine which zone a grazing disposition (GRL, FGL, GRP) is in. These zones are used to apply the rental rate that grazing leases (GRL), grazing licenses (FGL) and grazing permits (GRP) pay to the government of Alberta for use of public lands. The Public Lands Modernization (Grazing Lease and Obsolete Provisions) Amendment Act came into force January 1, 2020. Under the new rental rate framework (Ministerial Order 01/2020), there are now two grazing rental rate zones based on the transition of the boreal region of the province. The North Saskatchewan River is the dividing line between the south (Zone 1) and north (Zone 2).
The data represents the relative cultivation intensity in the agricultural area of Alberta. Cultivation intensity refers to the frequency of cultivation associated with the following management systems: no till, conventional tillage and summerfallow. It is an estimate of the degree to which cultivation contributes to wind and water erosion. The classes shown on the map are ranked between 0 (lowest) and 1 (highest).This map was created in 2002 using ArcGIS.
The data represents the relative expense of farm chemicals (herbicides, insecticides and fungicides) in the agricultural area of Alberta. It is an estimate of the degree to which crop production agriculture may contribute to surface or groundwater contamination.Agriculture production that makes greater use of herbicides, insecticides and pesticides in generally considered more intensive. Presenting the relative farm chemical expenses by SLC polygons reveals where the most intensive agricultural production in the province occurs. Chemical use is part of an equation to determine a measure of surface water quality risk. If an area is known to have certain risk factors that would affect not only surface, but groundwater quality as well, a higher chemical expense index ranking in that same area may be of concern. Where risks of surface or groundwater contamination exist, environmental farm planning can help to minimize them.
The data represents the frost-free period in Alberta over the 30-year period from 1971 to 2000. A 30-year period is used to describe the present climate since it is enough time to filter out short-term fluctuations but is not dominated by any long-term trend in the climate. The frost-free period is the number of days between the last date of 00C in the spring and the first date of 00C in the fall. Frost free periods in Alberta vary from 125 days in the south to less than 85 days in higher elevation, non-agricultural areas.The frost-free period is presented as days above 0°.C in the following classes: less than 85, 85 to 95, 95 to 105, 105 to 115, 115 to 125 and greater than 125. This resource was created using ArcGIS.
The data represents the relative amount of manure production in the agricultural area of Alberta. It is an estimate of the degree to which livestock production may contribute to nutrient loading, pathogens and odour. The classes shown on the map are ranked between 0 (lowest) and 1 (highest). This resource was created in 2002 using ArcGIS.
The data, created in ArcGIS, represents an assessment of air quality risk for the agricultural area of Alberta in 2005. Agricultural activities that may have some influence on air quality manure production (odour) and cultivation intensity (particulate matter). The airsheds of the agricultural region of Alberta are considered to be uniform in their physical susceptibility to risk from agricultural activities. Air quality risk is a useful measure for those concerned about health, safety and nuisance issues related the quality of air in agricultural areas. Awareness of where agricultural activities related to livestock production and intensive cultivation are located, may be useful for people with health or nuisance related concerns. Blowing soil can cause respiratory problems and can reduce visibility on roads and highways. Dust from farm traffic can be a concern during peak agricultural activity, such as harvesting or manure hauling. Frequent strong odours can be unpleasant nuisance for neighbours. In areas of greater air quality risk, environmental farm planning can help to address the issues and provide solutions. Practices including pen/barn maintenance, method of manure application, manure storage, composting, adjusting, feed rations and reducing or eliminating tillage can be looked at in an environmental farm plan.