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    The Multi-Risk Vigilance Card is a product developed by the Ministry of Public Security (MSP) that brings together warnings and reports on phenomena of natural origin that may have consequences on the safety of citizens, goods and services to the population. It is updated continuously automatically. It allows for continuous monitoring of the province's territory in relation to dangerous natural phenomena. Environment and Climate Change Canada weather warnings for blizzard, fog, freezing rain, rain, fog, freezing rain, rain, snow, hail, hurricanes, tropical storms, winter storms, severe storms, tornadoes, tornadoes, storm winds, storm winds, strong winds, strong winds, strong winds, hurricane force winds, high winds, hurricane-force winds, heat waves, and all weather events whose severity* is greater than or equal to moderate; This data comes from the company's National Alert Aggregation and Dissemination System (ADNA) Pelmorex private. The information conveyed in the alerts complies with the standards of the Common Alert Protocol (PAC).**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    Polygons representing areas vulnerable to heavy rains, heat waves, destructive storms, droughts, and floods. Vulnerability corresponds to the propensity or predisposition of a system (community, infrastructure and natural environment) to suffer damage caused by the manifestation of a climatic hazard. It varies according to the nature, extent and pace of the evolution of the event as well as the variation in the climate to which the system is exposed, the sensitivity of this system and its capacity to adapt. The [Climate Plan 2020-2030] ( aims, among other things, to improve urban planning and regulatory tools. Montréal has thus committed to updating the climate change vulnerability analysis, including the heat island map, carried out as part of the 2015-2020 Agglomération de Montréal Climate Change Adaptation Plan and to integrating it into the next urban and mobility plan. In addition, in order to take stock of the evolution of the Climate Plan, the City of Montreal annually publishes an [accountability report] ( of its 46 actions as well as its eight indicators, including the state of the various climate hazards illustrated by vulnerability maps. The data can also be consulted on the [interactive map of vulnerabilities to climate hazards in the Montreal agglomeration] (**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**