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Ortofoto - Grønland er en dataindsamling, der består af historiske ortofotos udarbejdet til brug i forbindelse med søkortlægningen ved den Grønlandske vestkyst.
Mosaic of the aerial orthophotography taken on May 28, 2019, cut into 9km X 9km tiles. Spatial resolution of 20cm/px**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
__The link: *Access the data directory* is available in the section*Dataset Description Sheets; Additional Information*__. Satellite image mosaics are products designed by combining several adjacent tiles of satellite images from the Landsat or Sentinel sensor. The coverage of the mosaics varies according to the years of acquisition, ranging from southern Quebec to all of Quebec. These mosaics are designed to identify land use classes, including forest environments, agricultural environments, wetlands, and environments modified by humans. They also offer an overview of the various natural disturbances that occur on the territory. In the end, they offer easy monitoring of the evolution of forest cover and natural disturbances across territory and time. These mosaics are primarily used to support planning, monitoring, and land use planning. The resolution of the mosaics ranges from 10 to 30 meters.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
As part of measure 2.6 of the 2013-2020 Action Plan on Climate Change, and in the wake of the project “[Characterization of the banks of the fluvial part of the St. Lawrence and analysis of the evolution of hydro-climatic factors influencing the hazards of erosion and flooding] (” ()”, the MELCCFP mandated the team of the **Laboratoire de Géomorphology Terre-Mer du Département de Géomorphology de l'Université Laval ** in order to conduct a study on the mobility issues of banks in the fluvial section of the St. Lawrence. The selection of the six issues, spread over ten sites of interest, was based on the previous shoreline characterization project, which made it possible to locate significant problems related to shoreline mobility. The six issues addressed correspond to: 1. The archipelagos of the fluvial St. Lawrence and the seaway (sites of Île Marie, Île de Grace and Île des Barques) 2. Land use planning and delta formation in Lake Saint-Pierre (Yamachiche Point site) 3. The degradation of the sloping walls between Sainte-Marthe-du-Cap and Champlain (Pointe-au-Vent and Champlain sites) 4. The rapid dynamics of high soft cliffs (Cap Lévrard site) 5. The effects of docks on sedimentary transit in the fluvial estuary (Portneuf and Pointe-Platon sites) 6. The management of urban beaches in Quebec (Plage-Jacques-Cartier site, Anse-Tibbits site and Beauport Bay Beach) This new study has thus made it possible to provide scientific knowledge adapted to the specificities of this densely populated sector of the river, in order to (1) better understand the hydrogeomorphological trajectory of this major river system, and (2) to guide management practices towards better respect of its mobility space and the integrity of its ecosystems. The development of a multi-scale monitoring approach, combining geomorphological and geohistorical components, has proven to be very effective in documenting the implications of the highly artificial nature of the fluvial St. Lawrence and in better defining the influence of natural processes. The project was made possible thanks to the creation of a vast geospatial database, collected and processed by the research team. In an approach of sharing and dissemination, the team makes available all the deliverables and geospatial data* produced during this study, in particular: A complete report detailing the context of the study, the methodology, the results in the form of six abundantly illustrated Mobility-Trajectory sheets, as well as a summary accompanied by a discussion on the impacts of land use planning along the fluvial St. Self-supported version of the six Mobility-Trajectory portrait sheets. Geospatial data associated with the historical mapping of coastline features (CTs) and their migration rates, as well as products derived from drone imagery, such as numerical surface models (MNS) and orthomosaics. *Higher spatial and temporal resolution data are available upon request.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**
__The link: *Access the data directory* is available in the section*Dataset Description Sheets; Additional Information*__. The mapping of vegetation in Northern Quebec is a component of an extensive inventory carried out to meet knowledge acquisition needs as part of the economic, social and environmental development project “Plan Nord”. This inventory was carried out between 2010 and 2013. Vegetation mapping in Northern Quebec provides information on terrestrial ecosystems, both forest and non-forest, such as the type of forest cover, undergrowth vegetation, disturbances, etc. A mapping approach based on remote sensing techniques (satellite images) was used. Ground and air control points contribute to the validation and clarification of the information interpreted. This map is available for the entire territory north of the 53rd parallel, which represents an area of approximately 680,000 km2. This territory is presented on topographical bases at a scale of 1/250,000. The minimum mapping area is 16 ha for vegetation and 3 ha for wetlands.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**