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    ####Leading Group for the Cariboo Region (pinegroup or firgroup). #### 1. IDF - Fir Group: includes all forest polygons in NDT 4 (IDF and BG biogeoclimatic zones) that meet any of the following criteria: *a) Douglas-fir ( Fd or Fdi) leading or ponderosa pine leading; *b) Lodgepole pine leading, and Douglas-fir ( Fd or Fdi) or ponderosa pine greater than 15% in any inventory layer; *c) Trembling aspen leading, and Douglas-fir ( Fd or Fdi) or Ponderosa pine greater than 15% in any inventory layer, and spruce, red-cedar, cottonwood and birch less than 6% in any inventory layer; *d) No species information in inventory data (usually NSR stands), and inventory type group for pre-harvest stand or the current stand = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 29, or 32 These inventory type groups correspond to the following species compositions F, FC, FCy, FH, FS, FPl, Fpy, FL, FDEcid, PlF and Py. If inventory type group=0 and pre-harvest inventory type is not available, classify the polygon as Pine Group. 2. IDF-Pl Group: includes all forest polygons in NDT 4 (IDF and BG biogeoclimatic zones) that do not meet the above definition for IDF-Fir Group.

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    Outline of Moose Habitat area (important grizzly area too)

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    Forest encroachment onto grasslands

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    Tourism use polygons of lakes and areas of trails

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    Fish Spawning Periods for the Quesnel and Central Cariboo Forest Districts.

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    Productive forest land base is defined as the total Crown forest area, determined by subtracting the following from the total area of the Cariboo Natural Resource Region: * All non-Crown land * All Crown land committed to non-timber use through a Land Act designation * All non-forest Crown Land, and * All forest area classified as brush or non-commercial cover in the Forest Inventory. See the CCLUP Land Use Order Implementation Direction for more information:

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    Winter limnologoy (mean oxygen) sites in the Cariboo Region

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    Lake summer survey sites in the Cariboo Region

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    Douglas Fir Management for Mule Deer used in SRMP analysis

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    Double line streams from FC1 assigned a stream class