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A geographic shape file of Nova Scotia’s Functional Economic Regions based on the 2021 census data. The most widely accepted approach to identifying functional economic regions is based on self-contained labour areas (SLAs) - a group of two or more Census Subdivisions (CSDs) where at least 75% of the workers both live and work in the area. Using Census data, Statistics Canada has identified Census Subdivisions (CSDs) that can be grouped together into SLAs based on daily commuting flows. The Office of Planning and Priorities has mapped these areas and created a GIS shape file that is intended to represent Nova Scotia’s functional economic regions.
The Major Projects Inventory (MPI), which is published quarterly, lists all major projects that are proposed, planned or underway in British Columbia. These are projects with a capital cost of at least $20 million each within the Lower Mainland and projects valued at $15 million or more in the rest of B.C. This is a point layer. To view the Major Projects Inventory in the BC Economic Atlas [click here](
A geographic shape file of Nova Scotia’s Functional Economic Regions. The most widely accepted approach to identifying functional economic regions is based on self-contained labour areas (SLAs) - a group of two or more Census Subdivisions (CSDs) where at least 75% of the workers both live and work in the area. Using Census data, Statistics Canada has identified Census Subdivisions (CSDs) that can be grouped together into SLAs based on daily commuting flows. Department of Business has mapped these areas and created a GIS shape file that is intended to represent Nova Scotia’s functional economic regions.
The dataset provides information on industry specialization, industry structure and employment for Nova Scotia’s Functional Economic Regions. The data fields include: Functional Economic Region Name, North American Industry Classification (NAICS) - 4-digits; Category and Type of Industry; Location Quotient by Employment; and Level of Specialization category. Fields may be updated or change over time.
The BC Indigenous Business Listings dataset offers a brief summary of Indigenous businesses operating in the province. For each business listed in the dataset, information including the Indigenous owner(s) of the company, location, links to websites as well as primary contact information including email addresses and phone numbers is provided where available. This information is intended to facilitate connections between business owners and consumers, investors, and industry. It is also meant to support an understanding of ownership trends among Indigenous businesses.