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    Boundaries identifying similar behavioural ecotypes and sub-populations of Grizzly bears. This dataset contains versions from multiple years. From 2018 on, NatureServe conservation concern ranking categories (e.g., Very Low, Low, Moderate, High, Extreme Concern) supersede the pre-2018 population status categories (e.g., Viable, Threatened, Extirpated) contained in the field STATUS. NatureServe conservation concern ranking categories reflect population size and trend, genetic and demographic isolation, as well as threats to bears and their habitats. The NatureServe conservation concern ranking fields are named CONSERVATION_CONCERN_RANK and CONSERVATION_CONCERN_DESC. Please view the attached PDF file for a summary of changes to this dataset from 2012 onward. To download only the 2018 units, in the link below, select the "Export" tab, then select the "Provincial Layer Download" button:,7745 Grizzly Bear Conservation Ranking results table is available here: Grizzly Bear population estimates from various years are available here: Grizzly Bear reports are available here:

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    The Dead Game (non-hunt mortality) database tracks mortalities for big game in NB not related to hunting or trapping. Each mortality record indicates the cause of mortality, such as: Vehicular, Predators, Humans, and Disease/Starvation. Latitude and Longitude coordinates are specified beginning in 2011. Other attributes include: Species, Sex, Age Class, Actual age, Death Date, Date Collected, Wildlife Management Zone, ERD Office, ERD Region, Fetuses present, Highway Number (if applicable), and general location. Data included from 2011 to April 2018.

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    The roads and linear features in this data set were compiled and interpreted in association with the Vegetation Inventory (1995-2006). It is a representation of various linear features on the land base. The linear features were classified by the interpreters based on the NTDB classification system for roads and trails, at that time. When used in conjunction with other road or linear transportation networks, there may be duplication of lines and information. Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information:

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    Wildlife Key Areas (WKA) are locations used by wildlife for critical, seasonal life functions. WKAs are identified by interpreting observed locations of wildlife at key times of year, not through intensive habitat assessment. Polygons derived from interviews with locals and from GIS interpretation of wildlife/habitat surveys. GIS interpretation follows criteria specific for taxon and/or populations of taxon. Key Areas are based on observed locations of wildlife at key times of year, not on habitat assessment. With new information, boundaries and designations of Key Areas can change and additional Key Areas can be identified. Furthermore, Key Areas are not the only sites important for wildlife. Other information sources can identify other sites important for wildlife for reasons outside the scope of the WKA Inventory Program. Updates to Key Areas occur only periodically. For the most current information, please consult with the Regional Biologist for your area of interest. If you have questions or would like to contribute to the WKA database, please contact the WKA Inventory Program ( ). Distributed from GeoYukon by the Government of Yukon . Discover more digital map data and interactive maps from Yukon's digital map data collection. For more information: