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Spatial distribution of the Smooth Skate presence expressed by catch weight based on the annual Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) groundfish research surveys realised between 2004 and 2010. Catch data (kg/nautical mile) were aggregated by 100 km² cells. They are derived from processed data used for the production of: Chouinard, P-M., J-D. Dutil, S. Proulx, D. Borcard and J. Crocker. 2014. A spatial approach to matching marine fish diversity and abundance with habitat features. Hydrobiologia. Volume 734, Issue 1: 39-55. Associated publication: Dutil, J.-D., Proulx, S., Chouinard, P.-M., and Borcard, D. 2011. A hierarchical classification of the seabed based on physiographic and oceanographic features in the St. Lawrence. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2916: vii + 72 pages. Purpose Since 1990, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans has been conducting an annual multidisciplinary survey in the Estuary and northern Gulf of St. Lawrence using a standardized protocol. In the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, these bottom trawl surveys has been carrying out each September since 1971. These missions are an important source of information about the status of the marine ressources. The objectives of the surveys are multiple: to estimate the abundance and biomass of groundfish and invertebrates, to identify the spatial distribution and biological characteristics of these species, to monitor the biodiversity of the Estuary and Gulf and finally, to describe the environmental conditions observed in the area at the moment of the sampling. The southern Gulf surveys are realized using the following standardized protocol: Hurlbut,T. and D.Clay (eds) 1990. Protocols for Research Vessel Cruises within the Gulf Region (Demersal Fish) (1970-1987). Can. MS Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. No. 2082: 143p. The sampling protocols used for the Estuary and northern Gulf surveys are described in details in the following publications: Bourdages, H., Archambault, D., Bernier, B., Fréchet, A., Gauthier, J., Grégoire, F., Lambert, J., et Savard, L. 2010. Résultats préliminaires du relevé multidisciplinaire de poissons de fond et de crevette d’août 2009 dans le nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent. Rapp. stat. can. sci. halieut. aquat. 1226 : xii+ 72 p. Bourdages, H., Archambault, D., Morin, B., Fréchet, A., Savard, L., Grégoire, F., et Bérubé, M. 2003. Résultats préliminaires du relevé multidisciplinaire de poissons de fond et de crevette d’août 2003 dans le nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent. Secr. can. consult. sci. du MPO. Doc. rech. 2003/078. vi + 68 p. Annual reports are available at the Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS), (http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/csas-sccs/index-eng.htm).
Mean 2014 to 2023 demersal fish total biomass in the Estuary and Gulf of St.Lawrence obtained by summing the fish biomass (kg) for all species for a tow and then averaging tows in each grid cell 10 km x 10 km. Input data are from the annual August (north) and September (south) multidisciplinary surveys. A distinct layer by survey is presented because the total biomasses are not comparable from one survey to the other (different fishing gears for each one). Purpose Since 1990, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans has been conducting an annual multidisciplinary survey in the Estuary and northern Gulf of St. Lawrence using a standardized protocol. In the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, these bottom trawl surveys has been carrying out each September since 1971. These missions are an important source of information about the status of the marine ressources. The objectives of the surveys are multiple: to estimate the abundance and biomass of groundfish and invertebrates, to identify the spatial distribution and biological characteristics of these species, to monitor the biodiversity of the Estuary and Gulf and finally, to describe the environmental conditions observed in the area at the moment of the sampling. The southern Gulf surveys are realized using the following standardized protocol: Hurlbut,T. and D.Clay (eds) 1990. Protocols for Research Vessel Cruises within the Gulf Region (Demersal Fish) (1970-1987). Can. MS Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. No. 2082: 143p. The sampling protocols used for the Estuary and northern Gulf surveys are described in details in the following publications: Bourdages, H., Archambault, D., Bernier, B., Fréchet, A., Gauthier, J., Grégoire, F., Lambert, J., et Savard, L. 2010. Résultats préliminaires du relevé multidisciplinaire de poissons de fond et de crevette d’août 2009 dans le nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent. Rapp. stat. can. sci. halieut. aquat. 1226 : xii+ 72 p. Bourdages, H., Archambault, D., Morin, B., Fréchet, A., Savard, L., Grégoire, F., et Bérubé, M. 2003. Résultats préliminaires du relevé multidisciplinaire de poissons de fond et de crevette d’août 2003 dans le nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent. Secr. can. consult. sci. du MPO. Doc. rech. 2003/078. vi + 68 p. Annual reports are available at the Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS), (http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/csas-sccs/index-eng.htm). Bourdages, H., Brassard, C., Desgagnés, M., Galbraith, P., Gauthier, J., Légaré, B., Nozères, C. and Parent, E. 2017. Preliminary results from the groundfish and shrimp multidisciplinary survey in August 2016 in the Estuary and northern Gulf of St. Lawrence. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2017/002. v + 87 p.
Mean 2014 to 2023 pelagic fish total biomass in the Estuary and Gulf of St.Lawrence obtained by summing the fish biomass (kg) for all species for a tow and then averaging tows in each grid cell 10 km x 10 km. Input data are from the annual August (north) and September (south) multidisciplinary surveys. A distinct layer by survey is presented because the total biomasses are not comparable from one survey to the other (different fishing gears for each one). Purpose Since 1990, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans has been conducting an annual multidisciplinary survey in the Estuary and northern Gulf of St. Lawrence using a standardized protocol. In the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, these bottom trawl surveys has been carrying out each September since 1971. These missions are an important source of information about the status of the marine ressources. The objectives of the surveys are multiple: to estimate the abundance and biomass of groundfish and invertebrates, to identify the spatial distribution and biological characteristics of these species, to monitor the biodiversity of the Estuary and Gulf and finally, to describe the environmental conditions observed in the area at the moment of the sampling. The southern Gulf surveys are realized using the following standardized protocol: Hurlbut,T. and D.Clay (eds) 1990. Protocols for Research Vessel Cruises within the Gulf Region (Demersal Fish) (1970-1987). Can. MS Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. No. 2082: 143p. The sampling protocols used for the Estuary and northern Gulf surveys are described in details in the following publications: Bourdages, H., Archambault, D., Bernier, B., Fréchet, A., Gauthier, J., Grégoire, F., Lambert, J., et Savard, L. 2010. Résultats préliminaires du relevé multidisciplinaire de poissons de fond et de crevette d’août 2009 dans le nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent. Rapp. stat. can. sci. halieut. aquat. 1226 : xii+ 72 p. Bourdages, H., Archambault, D., Morin, B., Fréchet, A., Savard, L., Grégoire, F., et Bérubé, M. 2003. Résultats préliminaires du relevé multidisciplinaire de poissons de fond et de crevette d’août 2003 dans le nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent. Secr. can. consult. sci. du MPO. Doc. rech. 2003/078. vi + 68 p. Annual reports are available at the Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS), (http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/csas-sccs/index-eng.htm). Bourdages, H., Brassard, C., Desgagnés, M., Galbraith, P., Gauthier, J., Légaré, B., Nozères, C. and Parent, E. 2017. Preliminary results from the groundfish and shrimp multidisciplinary survey in August 2016 in the Estuary and northern Gulf of St. Lawrence. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2017/002. v + 87 p.
Spatial distribution of the Thorny Skate presence expressed by catch weight based on the annual Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) groundfish research surveys realised between 2004 and 2010. Catch data (kg/nautical mile) were aggregated by 100 km² cells. They are derived from processed data used for the production of: Chouinard, P-M., J-D. Dutil, S. Proulx, D. Borcard and J. Crocker. 2014. A spatial approach to matching marine fish diversity and abundance with habitat features. Hydrobiologia. Volume 734, Issue 1: 39-55. Associated publication: Dutil, J.-D., Proulx, S., Chouinard, P.-M., and Borcard, D. 2011. A hierarchical classification of the seabed based on physiographic and oceanographic features in the St. Lawrence. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2916: vii + 72 pages. Purpose Since 1990, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans has been conducting an annual multidisciplinary survey in the Estuary and northern Gulf of St. Lawrence using a standardized protocol. In the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, these bottom trawl surveys has been carrying out each September since 1971. These missions are an important source of information about the status of the marine ressources. The objectives of the surveys are multiple: to estimate the abundance and biomass of groundfish and invertebrates, to identify the spatial distribution and biological characteristics of these species, to monitor the biodiversity of the Estuary and Gulf and finally, to describe the environmental conditions observed in the area at the moment of the sampling. The southern Gulf surveys are realized using the following standardized protocol: Hurlbut,T. and D.Clay (eds) 1990. Protocols for Research Vessel Cruises within the Gulf Region (Demersal Fish) (1970-1987). Can. MS Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. No. 2082: 143p. The sampling protocols used for the Estuary and northern Gulf surveys are described in details in the following publications: Bourdages, H., Archambault, D., Bernier, B., Fréchet, A., Gauthier, J., Grégoire, F., Lambert, J., et Savard, L. 2010. Résultats préliminaires du relevé multidisciplinaire de poissons de fond et de crevette d’août 2009 dans le nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent. Rapp. stat. can. sci. halieut. aquat. 1226 : xii+ 72 p. Bourdages, H., Archambault, D., Morin, B., Fréchet, A., Savard, L., Grégoire, F., et Bérubé, M. 2003. Résultats préliminaires du relevé multidisciplinaire de poissons de fond et de crevette d’août 2003 dans le nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent. Secr. can. consult. sci. du MPO. Doc. rech. 2003/078. vi + 68 p. Annual reports are available at the Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS), (http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/csas-sccs/index-eng.htm).
Mean 2008 to 2017 demersal fish total biomass in the Estuary and Gulf of St.Lawrence obtained by summing the fish biomass (kg) for all species for a tow and then averaging tows in each grid cell 10 km x 10 km. Input data are from the annual August (north) and September (south) multidisciplinary surveys. A distinct layer by survey is presented because the total biomasses are not comparable from one survey to the other (different fishing gears for each one). Moyenne, pour les années 2008 à 2017, de la biomasse totale des poissons démersaux dans l'estuaire et le golfe du St-Laurent obtenue en combinant la biomasse (kg) de toutes les espèces pour un trait de chalut, puis en moyennant les traits sur chaque cellule d'une grille 10 km x 10 km. Les données proviennent des relevés multidisciplinaires effectués en août (nord) et septembre (sud). Une couche distincte par relevé est présentée parce que les biomasses totales ne sont pas comparables d’un relevé à l’autre (engins de pêche différents pour chacun).
Mean 2008 to 2017 pelagic fish total biomass in the Estuary and Gulf of St.Lawrence obtained by summing the fish biomass (kg) for all species for a tow and then averaging tows in each grid cell 10 km x 10 km. Input data are from the annual August (north) and September (south) multidisciplinary surveys. A distinct layer by survey is presented because the total biomasses are not comparable from one survey to the other (different fishing gears for each one). Moyenne, pour les années 2008 à 2017, de la biomasse totale des poissons pélagiques dans l'estuaire et le golfe du St-Laurent obtenue en combinant la biomasse (kg) de toutes les espèces pour un trait de chalut, puis en moyennant les traits sur chaque cellule d'une grille 10 km x 10 km. Les données proviennent des relevés multidisciplinaires effectués en août (nord) et septembre (sud). Une couche distincte par relevé est présentée parce que les biomasses totales ne sont pas comparables d’un relevé à l’autre (engins de pêche différents pour chacun).
Layers that present various important parameters such as inventories, presence, sightings, distribution, relative occurrence or catch rates, critical habitat, breeding and feeding areas, potential spawning and haul-out sites for the different species with status under the Species at Risk Act (SARA). The act classifies those species as being either extirpated, endangered, threatened, or of special concern. Under SARA, Fisheries and Oceans Canada must produce recovery strategies and action plans for aquatic species listed as endangered or threatened. The act is part of Canada’s strategy to protect hundreds of wild plants and animal species from becoming extinct, and to help in their recovery. The different species represented by the layers are the following: 1. American shad (Alosa sapidissima) 2. Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus) 3. Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus) 4. Beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) 5. Blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) 6. Copper redhorse (Moxostoma hubbsi) 7. Eelgrass (Zostera marina) 8. Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) 9. Harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) 10. Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) 11. Lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) 12. Lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) 13. Northern wolffish (Anarhichas denticulatus) 14. Rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) 15. Sea pens (Pennatulacea) 16. Seaweed 17. Smooth skate (Malacoraja senta) 18. Sponges 19. Spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor) 20. Striped bass (Morone saxatilis) 21. Thorny skate (Amblyraja radiata) 22. Winter skate (Leucoraja ocellata)