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    EMODnet Chemistry aims to provide access to marine chemistry data sets and derived data products concerning eutrophication, ocean acidification, contaminants and litter. The chosen parameters are relevant for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), in particular for descriptors 5, 8, 9 and 10. The dataset contains standardized, harmonized and validated data collections from beach litter (monitoring and other sources). Datasets concerning beach and seafloor litter data are loaded in a central database after a semi-automated validation phase. Once loaded, a data assessment is performed in order to check data consistency and potential errors are corrected thanks to a feedback loop with data originators. For beach litter, the harmonized datasets contain all unrestricted EMODnet Chemistry data on beach litter, including monitoring data, data from cleaning surveys and data from research. A relevant part of the monitoring data has been considered for assessment purposes by the European institutions and therefore is tagged as MSFD_monitoring. EMODnet beach litter data and databases are hosted and maintained by 'Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale, Division of Oceanography (OGS/NODC)' from Italy. Data are formatted following Guidelines and forms for gathering marine litter data, which can be found at: The updated vocabularies of admitted values are available at: The harmonized datasets can be downloaded as EMODnet Beach litter data format Version 7.0, which is a spreadsheet file composed of 4 sheets: beach metadata, survey metadata, animals and litter. Local_CDI field in the survey metadata sheet allows to retrieve the original data.

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    This gridded product visualizes 1960 - 2014 water body nitrate concentration (umol/l) in the North Sea domain, for each season (winter: December – February; spring: March – May; summer: June – August; autumn: September – November). It is produced as a Diva 4D analysis, version 4.6.9: a reference field of all seasonal data between 1960-2014 was used; results were logit transformed to avoid negative/underestimated values in the interpolated results; error threshold masks L1 (0.3) and L2 (0.5) are included as well as the unmasked field. Every step of the time dimension corresponds to a 10-year moving average for each season. The depth dimension allows visualizing the gridded field at various depths.

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    This gridded product visualizes 1960 - 2014 water body phosphate concentration (umol/l) in the North Sea domain, for each season (winter: December – February; spring: March – May; summer: June – August; autumn: September – November). It is produced as a Diva 4D analysis, version 4.6.9: a reference field of all seasonal data between 1960-2014 was used; results were logit transformed to avoid negative/underestimated values in the interpolated results; error threshold masks L1 (0.3) and L2 (0.5) are included as well as the unmasked field. Every step of the time dimension corresponds to a 10-year moving average for each season. The depth dimension allows visualizing the gridded field at various depths.

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    Units: umol/l. Method: spatial interpolation produced with DIVA (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis). URL: Comment: Every year of the time dimension corresponds to a 10-year centred average for each season : - winter season (December-February), - spring (March-May), - summer (June-August), - autumn (September-November).

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    EMODnet Chemistry aims to provide access to marine chemistry data sets and derived data products concerning eutrophication, ocean acidification, contaminants and litter. The chosen parameters are relevant for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), in particular for descriptors 5, 8, 9 and 10. The dataset contains standardized, harmonized and validated data collections from beach litter (official monitoring and other sources). Datasets concerning beach and seafloor litter data are loaded in a central database after a semi-automated validation phase. Once loaded, a data assessment is performed in order to check data consistency and potential errors are corrected thanks to a feedback loop with data originators. For beach litter, the harmonized datasets contain all unrestricted EMODnet Chemistry data on beach litter data, including 6503 CDI records, in which 6199 refer monitoring data and 304 to other sources (cleaning and research). The temporal range for monitoring data is from 2001-01-01 to 2018-07-26 and include data from 311 beaches. For data from other sources, the temporal range is from 2014-05-10 to 2017-05-12 and include 226 beaches. EMODnet beach litter data and databases are hosted and maintained by ‘Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale, Division of Oceanography (OGS/NODC) from Italy. Data are formatted following Guidelines and forms for gathering marine litter data, which can be found at: The updated lists of admitted values are available in The harmonized datasets can be downloaded as EMODnet Beach litter data format Version 1.0, which is a spreadsheet file composed of 4 sheets: beach metadata, survey metadata, animals and litter. The original datasets can be searched and downloaded from EMODnet Chemistry Chemistry CDI Data and Discovery Access Service:

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    This gridded product visualizes 1960 - 2014 water body dissolved oxygen concentration (umol/l) in the North Sea domain, for each season (winter: December – February; spring: March – May; summer: June – August; autumn: September – November). It is produced as a Diva 4D analysis, version 4.6.11: a reference field of all seasonal data between 1960-2014 was used; results were logit transformed to avoid negative/underestimated values in the interpolated results; error threshold masks L1 (0.3) and L2 (0.5) are included as well as the unmasked field. Every step of the time dimension corresponds to a 10-year moving average for each season. The depth dimension allows visualizing the gridded field at various depths.

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    Moving 10-years analysis of Oxygen at Northeast Atlantic Ocean for each season: - winter: January-March, - spring: April-June, - summer: July-September, - autumn: October-December. Every year of the time dimension corresponds to the 10-year centred average of each season. Decades span from 1963-1972 until 2005-2014. Observational data span from 1963 to 2014. Depth range (IODE standard depths): -3000.0, -2500.0, -2000.0, -1750, -1500.0, -1400.0, -1300.0, -1200.0, -1100.0, -1000.0, -900.0, -800.0, -700.0, -600.0, -500.0, -400.0, -300.0, -250.0, -200.0, -150.0, -125.0, -100.0, -75.0, -50.0,-40.0, -30.0, -20.0, -10.0, -5.0, -0.0 Data Sources: observational data from SeaDataNet/EMODNet Chemistry Data Network. Description of DIVA analysis: Geostatistical data analysis by DIVA (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis) tool. GEBCO 1min topography is used for the contouring preparation. Analyzed filed masked using relative error threshold 0.3 and 0.5 DIVA settings. Signal to noise ratio and correlation length were optimized and filtered vertically and a seasonally-averaged profile was used. Background field: the data mean value is subtracted from the data. Detrending of data: no, Advection consraint applied: no. Units: umol/l

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    EMODnet Chemistry aims to provide access to marine chemistry data sets and derived data products concerning eutrophication, ocean acidification, contaminants and litter. The chosen parameters are relevant for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), in particular for descriptors 5, 8, 9 and 10. The dataset contains standardized, harmonized and validated data collections from beach litter (monitoring and other sources). Datasets concerning beach and seafloor litter data are loaded in a central database after a semi-automated validation phase. Once loaded, a data assessment is performed in order to check data consistency and potential errors are corrected thanks to a feedback loop with data originators. For beach litter, the harmonized datasets contain all unrestricted or SeaDataNet License EMODnet Chemistry data on beach litter data, including 12390 CDI records, in which 11152 refer to monitoring data, 1208 to data from cleaning surveys and 29 to data from research. A relevant part of the monitoring data has been considered for assessment purposes by the European institutions and therefore is tagged as MSFD_monitoring. The temporal range for monitoring data is from 2001-01-01 to 2020-08-26 and includes data from 582 beaches. For data from cleaning, the temporal range is from 2013-03-12 to 2020-04-22 and includes data from 831 beaches. For data from research, the temporal range is from 2014-04-07 to 2016-10-12 and includes data from 21 beaches. EMODnet beach litter data and databases are hosted and maintained by 'Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale, Division of Oceanography (OGS/NODC)' from Italy. Data are formatted following Guidelines and forms for gathering marine litter data, which can be found at: The updated vocabularies of admitted values are available in The harmonized datasets can be downloaded as EMODnet Beach litter data format Version 1.0, which is a spreadsheet file composed of 4 sheets: beach metadata, survey metadata, animals and litter. The original datasets can be searched and downloaded from EMODnet Chemistry Chemistry CDI Data and Discovery Access Service:

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    EMODnet Chemistry aims to provide access to marine chemistry data sets and derived data products concerning eutrophication, acidity and contaminants. The chemicals chosen reflect importance to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). ITS-90 water temperature and Water body salinity variables have been also included (as-is) to complete the Eutrophication and Acidity data. If you use these variables for calculations, please refer to SeaDataNet for having the quality flags: . This aggregated dataset contains all unrestricted EMODnet Chemistry data on Eutrophication and Acidity (14 parameters with quality flag indicators), and covers the North Sea with 587584 CDI records. Data were aggregated and quality controlled by 'Aarhus University, Department of Bioscience, Marine Ecology Roskilde' from Denmark. Regional datasets concerning eutrophication and acidity are automatically harvested and resulting collections are aggregated and quality controlled using ODV Software and following a common methodology for all Sea Regions ( When not present in original data, Water body nitrate plus nitrite was calculated by summing up the Nitrates and Nitrites. Same procedure was applied for Water body dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) which was calculated by summing up the Nitrates, Nitrites and Ammonium. Quality flags for Water body dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) should be disregarded since that currently they are not based on the original quality flags of nitrite, nitrate and ammonium. Parameter names are based on P35, EMODnet Chemistry aggregated parameter names vocabulary, which is available at: Detailed documentation is available at: Explore and extract data at:>NorthSea The aggregated dataset can be downloaded as ODV collection and spreadsheet, which is composed of metadata header followed by tab separated values. This spreadsheet can be imported to ODV Software for visualisation (More information can be found at: The original datasets can be searched and downloaded from EMODnet Chemistry Chemistry CDI Data and Discovery Access Service:

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    EMODnet Chemistry aims to provide access to marine chemistry datasets and derived data products concerning eutrophication, acidity and contaminants. The importance of the selected substances and other parameters relates to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). This aggregated dataset contains all unrestricted EMODnet Chemistry data on eutrophication and acidity, and covers the Northeast Atlantic Ocean (40W). Data were aggregated and quality controlled by 'IFREMER / IDM / SISMER - Scientific Information Systems for the SEA' in France. ITS-90 water temperature and water body salinity variables have also been included ('as are') to complete the eutrophication and acidity data. If you use these variables for calculations, please refer to SeaDataNet for the quality flags: Regional datasets concerning eutrophication and acidity are automatically harvested, and the resulting collections are aggregated and quality controlled using ODV Software and following a common methodology for all sea regions ( Parameter names are based on P35 vocabulary, which relates to EMODnet Chemistry aggregated parameter names and is available at: When not present in original data, water body nitrate plus nitrite was calculated by summing all nitrate and nitrite parameters. The same procedure was applied for water body dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), which was calculated by summing all nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium parameters. Concentrations per unit mass were converted to a unit volume using a constant density of 1.25 kg/L. The aggregated dataset can also be downloaded as an ODV collection and spreadsheet, which is composed of a metadata header followed by tab separated values. This spreadsheet can be imported to ODV Software for visualisation (more information can be found at: