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    SQRC grid (Quebec Cartographic Reference System) at a scale of 1:500 and 1:1000 of Montreal Island. The dxf file contains an underlying layer of streets for better location.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    Map indexes are grids that divide the territory into several sheets for the whole of Quebec. The use of these indexes allows the identification of a map sheet number for a specific territory at the scale of 1/2,000, 1/20,000 and 1/100,000. The cartographic indexes come from the Quebec cartographic reference system (S.Q.R.C), which divides the territory into hierarchical units and at different scales (1/100,000, 1/20,000, 1/10,000, 1/10,000, 1/10,000, 1/10,000, 1/10,000, 1/5,000, 1/5,000, 1/5,000, 1/1,000). This system is compatible with the [**National Cartographic Reference System (S.N.R.C) **] (**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**