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    The Road Features Inventory spatial layer shows all highways under the administration and control of BC MoT for which the Ministry has maintenance responsibility

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    Surface Type describes the type of surface material used on road

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    Ministry of Transportation Regional Boundary is an exclusive geographic area within the province that the Ministry organizational unit is responsible for. Each Ministry Region is partitioned into one or more non-overlapping Ministry Districts that cover the entire Ministry Region

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    The Landmark Kilometre Inventory spatial layer is used primarily by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOT) to represent routes against which accident data and traffic counts are collected. This method describes roads by a four number designation referred to as a segment (i.e. 0375) This spatial layer was created based on Digital Road Atlas (DRA) centerline using linear referencing

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    Ministry of Transportation District Boundary is an exclusive area within a region that the Ministry organizational unit is responsible for. Each Ministry District is partitioned into one or more non-overlapping Contract Areas that cover the entire Ministry District

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    A Culvert is a pipe (less than 3m in diameter) or half-round flume used to transport or drain water under or away from the road and/or right of way. Culverts that are greater than or equal to 3m in diameter are stored in the MoT Bridge Structure Road Dataset. It is a Point feature

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    A Retaining Wall is a structure designed to protect the road infrastructure by retaining materials on the fill side to prevent road bed slips and by retaining materials on the cut side to prevent the road surface from being covered by debris. Retaining walls that are greater than or equal to 2m in height are stored in the MoT Bridge Structure Road dataset. It is a Linear feature

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    A Drainage Appliance is an apparatus (that has not been described as a culvert), or earth works, designed to facilitate the movement of water in a controlled manner. Drainage Appliance include some appliances/earth works that work in conjunction with culverts. It is a Point feature

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    A Special Lane defines the number of special lanes that are not defined as through travel lanes, passing lanes, or truck lanes which are described in the Highway Profile dataset. It is a Linear feature

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    A Railroad Crossing is where the road surface is common to both the Railway Authority and the Ministry of Transportation Road Network; also includes overhead and under passes. It is a Point feature