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    The Riparian Quality Index (IQBR) is used to assess the ecological condition of the shoreline environment. It is built from nine components that have been weighted according to their potential to perform ecological functions in terms of the protection of aquatic ecosystems. Data on shoreline quality come from benthos monitoring stations sampled between 2003 and 2020.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    Linear data representing the interpretation of accessible shores of public property (municipal or governmental) in the agglomeration of Montreal carried out using the land roll. This data is approximate and does not determine the actual shoreline within the meaning of the [Shoreline, Coastal and Floodplain Protection Policy] ( Accessibility can be by land and/or by water and there may or may not be development. The shores of inland waterways are not included, with the exception of the Lachine and Aqueduct canals. Although it has evolved, thanks to the expansion of shoreline parks, among others, this data was initially produced for the calculation of an indicator of the state of the environment in the first strategic sustainable development plan of the Montreal community.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**