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    The National Ecological Framework for Canada's "Land and Water Area by Province/Territory and Ecoprovince” dataset provides land and water area values by province or territory for the Ecoprovince framework polygon, in hectares. It includes codes and their English and French descriptions for a polygon’s province or territory, total area, land-only area and large water body area.

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    Mapping of linear watercourses in the territory of Quebec City.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    Mapping of open water courses located inside the islands of the Laval territory.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**

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    This product provides the boundaries for the 25 drainage regions in Canada and the five ocean drainage areas. These drainage regions cover all of the area within the coastal boundaries of Canada. These files were produced by Statistics Canada, Environment, Energy and Transportation Statistics Division, 2009, special tabulation of data from Pearse, P.H., F. Bertrand and J.W. MacLaren, 1985, Currents of Change: Final Report of the Inquiry on Federal Water Policy, Environment Canada, Ottawa.

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    This product provides the ratio of surface freshwater intake to water yield for August 2013, with the exception of drainage regions 7, 8, 16, 17 and 18, which use the ratio of August intake to the long-term minimum monthly water yield. Surface freshwater intake aggregates data from the Survey of Drinking Water Plants, 2013 and the Industrial Water Use Survey, 2013 with estimates of agricultural water use for 2013 based on the Agricultural Water Use Survey and the Alberta Irrigation Information report. Data for water use by the oil and gas industry and households not supplied by a public water provider are also excluded.

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    The “PFRA Sub-basins of the AAFC Watersheds Project – 2013” dataset is a geospatial data layer containing polygon features representing the 47 sub-basins within the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Watersheds Project, tailored for the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA) business needs.

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    The “Major Drainage Systems of the AAFC Watersheds Project - 2013” dataset is a geospatial data layer containing polygon features representing the three (3) major drainage system basins of the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Watersheds Project. The Project area has been split according into which body of water it drains: the Arctic Ocean, Hudson Bay or Gulf of Mexico.

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    The National Ecological Framework for Canada's "Total Land and Water Area by Ecozone” dataset provides land and water area values for ecozone framework polygons, in hectares. It includes attributes for a polygon’s total area, land-only area and large water body area.

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    The “Gross and Effective Drainage Area Boundaries of the AAFC Watersheds Project - 2013” dataset is a geospatial data layer containing line features representing boundaries associated with the ‘incremental gross drainage areas’ of the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Watersheds Project. The project is subdivided by hydrometric gauging station. The maximum area that could contribute runoff to each station, less that of its upstream neighbour(s) is called its ‘incremental gross drainage area’. Two types of boundary are provided: ‘gross’ and ‘effective’. ‘Gross’ boundaries separate adjacent incremental gross drainage areas. ‘Effective’ boundaries delimit, within each incremental gross drainage area, the separation between areas that supply runoff, based on average runoff, from those that don’t.

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    This set shows the location of rain gauges, meteorological instruments intended to measure the quantity of precipitation that fell during a given time interval in a specific location, on the territory of the City of Montreal.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).**