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    Unverified raw hourly air pollutant monitoring and meteorological data collected by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy. These data sets contain **air quality data from 2024 to the most recent hourly readings** and **meteorological data from 2023 to the most recent hourly readings** from air quality monitoring stations across B.C, up to the latest hour in Pacific Standard Time (PST). This does not include data originating from Metro Vancouver and Fraser Valley Regional Districts. For current conditions for Metro Vancouver and Fraser Valley Regional Districts please visit This data is not quality-assured. Historical quality-assured air data is available here: Please subscribe using the following link if you want to receive the updates on the datasets: __Please click on VIEW resource to access__ __For data files directing to a FTP site, please copy the FTP link to File Explorer (anonymous login), Finder or equivalent, or use a FTP client such as FileZilla to access the FTP link. If using File Explorer, Finder, or equivalent, copy the files requested from the FTP folder to a local location to download.__ ##### Data files are available for: ##### #### Current Air Quality Data: * Air Quality Health Index (Learn more about this index: * Carbon monoxide (CO) in parts per million (ppm) * Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and Total reduced sulfur (TRS) in ppb * Nitric oxide (NO) in parts per billion (ppb) * Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in ppb * Sulfur dioxide (SO2) in ppb * Ground-level ozone (O3) in ppb * PM2.5 (particulate matter with diameter of 2.5 micrometres or less) in micrograms per cubic metre (ug/m3) * PM10 (particulate matter with diameter of 10 micrometres or less) in ug/m3 * THC (total hydrocarbons) in ppm #### Current Meteorological Data: * Air Temperature (TEMP) in degrees Celsius (°C) * Relative Humidity (HUMIDITY) in percent (%) * Wind Speed (WSPD) in meters per second (m/s) * Wind Direction (WDIR) in degrees from true north/azimuth (°) * Precipitation (PRECIP) in millimeters (mm) * Snow depth (SNOW) in centimeters (cm) * Barometric Pressue (PRESSURE) in kilopascals (kPA) or millibars (mb) * Water Vapor Pressure (VAPOUR) in kilopascals (kPA) or millibars (mb) #### Monitoring Locations * Locations of all current and historical air and meteorological stations including Latitude and Longitude

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    This record contains Grizzly Bear population estimates for British Columbia for multiple years: 2012, 2015 and 2018. The 2012 Grizzly Bear population estimate report for British Columbia report is available here: The 2018 Grizzly Bear population estimate report for British Columbia report is available here: Grizzly Bear population estimates for 2015 & 2018 are provided below in tabular comma separated value (.csv) file format, as well as a zipped (.zip) Esri file geodatabase (.gdb) spatial data file format. There is no spatial difference between the 2015 & 2018 spatial data polygons, as only the population estimate numbers in the spatial data's attribute table were updated (and only if a change in population estimates occurred from 2015 to 2018). 2015 population estimates are based on 2012 numbers, but adjusted to the revised GBPU sub-units. The 2015 & 2018 population estimates in the comma separated value (.csv) tables are provided in two units: 1. Grizzly Bear Population Unit (GBPU) and 2. GBPU sub-unit. The sub-units are composed of Grizzly Bear Population Unit (GBPU), Wildlife Management Unit (WMU), Limited Entry Hunting (LEH) and National Park boundaries, taken at the time of this data's creation. _Note that that these boundaries are not coincident. Slight adjustments have been made to some polygons where needed to align the original linework to create the GBPU sub-units._ _Therefore, do not dissolve the GBPU sub-units to replicate the source data._ Bear density is given in number of bears per 1,000 square kilometers, based on the net polygon area. The net polygon area excludes ice and water features from the Baseline Thematic Mapping dataset ( Ice and water features can be identified by using this selection criteria: PRESENT_LAND_USE_LABEL IN ('Fresh Water', 'Salt Water', 'Glaciers and Snow'). Please view the PDF file below for more information on the data change history, and for a description of the spatial data attribute fields: BC_Grizzly_population_estimates_2015_and_2018_by_GBPU_population_sub_units_metadata.pdf Grizzly Bear population units are available here: Grizzly Bear Conservation Ranking results table is available here: Grizzly Bear reports are available here:

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    Hourly ambient ground-level ozone (O3) data in parts per billion from provincial ambient air quality monitoring stations across Nova Scotia up to the end of 2014.

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    Nova Scotia provincial ambient air quality monitoring stations, including locations and other attributes.